Chapter forty: The End.

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A meeting was called the very next day.

Eren stood tall in front of the many faces of the tribes, his included. The hill he was standing on allowed him to see everyone.

"My mate and I welcome everyone to our home. We want everyone to be happy and that is why we are giving everyone the choice to do as they want. You are very welcome to stay and abide by my packs rules. There are also many alternative packs. We will try to make the move as easy as possible. If you would like to stay by my rule, state so. If you want to know the other available packs, Levi is better at that than me so speak to him."

By the end of the speech people were already queuing up to talk to Eren. Some went towards Levi. With the pups in his arms, he stated all he knew of the surrounding packs and answered as many questions as possible.

The majority of Hanne's pack and Nile's pack wanted to stay under Eren's rule however some didn't feel as safe in this territory with Nile still being alive.

"What are your plans for that beast?" One warrior asked Eren who rolled his eyes. The alpha had said it in front of a young family from Niles pack...

"I do not find it suitable to talk about him in this situation. I shall speak with everyone when they are settled in." Eren raised his voice, hopefully warding off any further questions about Nile.

Levi watched on as the queue slowly disappeared.

"That was more than I expected, I may consider expanding the territory so everyone can get a home." Eren said as he walked back into his home with Levi and Wolfe following him.

Levi sighed dreamily. "You're amazing..."

Eren smirked. "Oh?" He walked up to his mate, draped his arms around his waist and pulled him towards him, snapping their hips together.

The sudden movement caused the little ones in Levi's arms to squeak and Eren snatched his hands away from his mate.

"Damn, it's b-been a while since we-" The alpha trailed off, grabbing Wolfe under the armpits and swinging him around so he sat on his hip.

"I don't think we could handle another pup just yet." He said, tickling under the boys chin making him squawk in happiness.

Levi looked at the couple, a sad smile growing on his face. "I could." He whispered, not expecting eren to hear his admission but when the alpha made serious eye contact with him he knew he'd been heard and that eren wasn't pleased with the statement.

"Levi, I almost lost you and the pups- Nile is still alive. W-we can't- not yet."

Levi understood his logic but frowned nonetheless.

A hand on his shoulder interrupted his inner turmoil. "Let's sort Nile out first, then we can discuss this further." Eren said, dragging all of his family into a tight hug.

The two put the pups down for an afternoon nap and Eren left to check on the pack, leaving Levi to protect the pups.

The majority of the pack went straight up to the pack alpha to greet him. He replied to most of them but continued walking towards the hut he knew Nile was being held in.

He was still conflicted on his opinion on Nile. He wanted to watch him die so badly, he was the cause of his mothers and fathers deaths and he tried to attack his new born pups and mate. Yeah, he hated him. But he wanted to hear the packs opinion on what to do with him. Most of them hated him, so he'd probably end up dying anyway.

He opened the curtain to the previous pack leaders hut and walked in with tense shoulders. A snicker greeted him. "It's good to see you again young alpha!"

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