Chapter twenty eight: Better

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Eren's POV:

Levi's health took a turn for the worst, every night after a Pack meal he would retire to our tent, feeling ill.

"Levs, you ok?" I patted his back hoping he'd turn around and talk to me.

"I don't feel well at all..." He groaned stroking his stomach.

The doctor was called, checked him over and dubbed he needed to get climatized to the environment.

"He's simply having a hard time adjusting to the climate. It is quite a lot warmer than your packs." The doctor had told me.

"Will- will the pups be ok?" I replied. I was worried for both Levi and our pups.

"They should both be fine as long as he stays hydrated." He said as he placed a cool towel to Levi's forehead.

I allowed the doctor access to our tent every night, when we retired for the night he would check Levi over.

Taking his temperature, making sure the pups were safe, checking for any inconsistencies.

The doctor issued him the leaf of a plant, he said the plant had certain membranes that could diminish Levi's sickness.

I checked on him the afternoon after giving him the medicine and found him sitting up, looking a lot better than the night before.

He held a scroll in one hand the other stroked in circles over his slightly swollen tummy.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Levs, you're alright!"

I rushed in, happy to see my omega looking so healthy and happy.

"I'm alright. Those leaves tasted gross though..." he grumbled.

A beat of silence passed with me staring at his hand movements. He looked up at me, noticing my unmoving body. 

"Eren..." He held the hand circling his stomach out and grasped mine.

He pulled our connected hands to his tummy and placed my hand flat against it.

"Can you feel them, our babies?"

He finally spoke of them as mine too...

I smiled happily knowing he was well again.

Although, the pups weren't moving around I could still tell they were in there.

"I can Levs, they're going to be beautiful, just like their mother..."

He blushed and looked away.

"I miss Wolfe..." His slight smile faltered with the words, making me frown as well.

"I do too... hanji will take good care of him, he'll be waiting when we come back-"

"But he's still of Hannes' tribe, after we were kicked out I highly doubt he'll want us to take a pup away from his Pack."

Crap, I forgot about that tiny fact...

"We'll worry about it when the time comes, all I care about now is the fact you and our pups are safe- all of them, including Wolfe."

He smiled sweetly and leaned forward, squished my cheeks together and kissed my lips with a hum.

"Eren...Thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for Levs, what're you reading by the way?"

"The tribes tales, they tell such nonsense stories. It's funny."

"Tell me one."

"Your asking me to read to you, like a baby?"

"The pups can hear too! I heard that they recognise their parents voices even in the womb." To demonstrate I placed a hand on his stomach again, getting in close.

"Hear that, mummy won't read to us, he's so mean!" I faked a pout as I continued to mutter to his tummy.

"Speaking to them won't get me to change my mind..."

"Always so stubborn aren't you."

He replied with a quick uh huh and continued reading.

A few minutes passed with a nice silence, I still stared at his stomach from where I was lying on the bed whilst he read in his head.

"I can't wait to see them." I nuzzled into them, Jostling Levi slightly, making him loose his reading position and I heard him click his tongue in annoyance.

"I can't either, soon they'll be here, along with their big brother and we'll be able to care for them as well as our Pack."

His hand came down into my hair and he stroked until I was nearly falling asleep.

One last look at the bump and I knew I couldn't wait to get home and show everyone how proud I was of my family.



"Your mum and dad would've been so proud of you."

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black and I dreamt of the future.

Mine and Levi's future, along with all three of our pups!

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