Chapter twenty- two: Eastern Pack (part 1)

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Levi's POV:

We were coming up to the eastern forest, going from the plain fields we travelled for hours on.

The huts weren't visible from what I could see but there was a crowd of people standing at the edge of the woods.

All kinds of ages, children included, stood in a line, staring straight at the carriage we were in.

All eyes were on us. It was kind of creepy.

I put my hand on Eren's arm, still staring out of the window, looking at the unmoving tribe.

"I-it'll be fine, i-I'm sure..." he didn't sound damn sure! "Quit making me nervous!" "I've never been out of the tribe like this before, I don't know who these people are... but by first impressions they are..." "Scary as shit! I can't do this. I want to go home, go to my nest!"

Hanji had forced me to leave everything at home, comforting me that my nest would be there, safe and sound when we got back from this shitty trip.

Well, she didn't use the term 'shitty' per say... but that's how I viewed it!

"Levi. You're nest is saf-" Hanji tried to calm me by putting her hand on my shoulder, I would praise her for trying to comfort me but I was too pissed off for that. I nudged her hand off angrily.

"No it's not! It's not- because I'm not there. I need to go back right now!" "Levi we can't go back, I'm sorry." I regretted bringing Hanji. At least alone with Eren I might've been able to persuade him to go back!

"Levs, We've put our best soldiers on guard. They will not allow anyone who does not belong to the Pack to enter into our territory, nowhere near your nest. It's safe and sound.
Trust me, the first signs of distress, they will come straight to us. Then you'll be able to protect your nest."

His hand brushed up my sides, nuzzling his cheek into my head.

Somehow I didn't mind his touch, hanjis repulsed me. Who knows where that hands been, she a doctor after all...

"Pixis would never put us in the line of danger. They must be... trustworthy, not dangerous. However, if any problems arise. I'll protect you...and the pups." I relaxed into his chest, taking deep breathes, that was until Hanji ruined the mood.

"I'll protect you too! Don't forget about me!" I looked to the loud mouth. "Stop doting on me. I'm not some child."

I'd protect them too, if need be.

"You were just emotional and now you say that!" Eren shouted.

"That was in the past baby." I patted his head softly. "Like 2 minutes in the past, yeah."

The carriage stopped abruptly, signalling we had reached our destination.

Our destination to the depths of hell! Those people were more expressionless than me, and that's saying something!

"I'll get out first if they scare you guys so much." Hanji reached for the door, I became a worried mother again and growled at the woman.

A fully grown, woman like Hanji shouldn't need me nagging her all the time, but I felt extremely protective over her recently.

Maybe because we were both with pups, or because she was as near a best friend as anyone to me.

"No, what if they attack you! Sit back down this instant." She sat, pouting slightly. "Sorry mum." Damn right.

"Why aren't you as protective over me as that..." Great, now Eren was pouting as well! They're both damn children. My damn children.

Eren stood. "Fine I'll sacrifice myself for the both of you! Remember me." He swung open the door.

What a drama queen...

He looked around and stared at the other pack curiously.
He stood a good distance away, being able to see them but not quite close enough to get their faces.

I walked out next standing close to him.

Children came running up to us, circling around our feet. The youngsters were around me, whereas the older teens were standing near Eren.

They're big round eyes stared up at me. One of them placed their tiny hands on my tummy, face still as emotionless as when I first saw them.

I put on my best smile, careful not to scare the little rats away.


A man came towards Eren and I. He had a pale, thin moustache, sandy blonde hair and looked a tad younger than Pixis but still old enough to have wrinkles.

"My name is Hannes. We Welcome you to our Pack." Welcome? This wasn't the friendliest welcome I'd ever had that's for sure...

"Hello, I'm Eren and this is my mate..." "-Levi." I nodded over to the man, not wanting to be formal whilst the children were around me. I wanted them to like me and not think I was a kiss ass.

I heard him chuckle. "Wolfe. Stop scaring Levi." The child took his hand straight off at the command. "O-oh no, he wasn't scaring me- I just wondered why he put his hand there..." "He likes you, that's a good sign."

Eren introduced us to the rest of the packs and informed them why we were there, most looked neutral.

Some of the omegas looked more than pleased towards Eren, which I wasn't very happy about. Hanji nudged me a little to make me stop hissing at them whenever they got a little too close.

The omegas crowded Eren but I wasn't about to let them get at that piece of fine meat.

I pulled my way through, despite Hanji holding me back by my shirt. Getting to the centre where Eren was and curling near him, giving the people a good glare.

"Levi, be nice." Eren warned. "Says you! you're being a little too nice for my taste." He rolled his eyes. "Stop acting spoilt." I'm not spoilt...

Am I?!

"Eastern Pack..." They looked at him as he spoke. "This is my omega Levi." He pushed my forward, into the crowd. Trying to get me to socialise.

Their eyes were on me all of a sudden. Looking to see if I'd speak up. And Oh boy was I about to speak up!

"Listen." I held up my hands, then pointed at Eren behind me.

"He's mine."

Eren face palmed, Hanji laughed and Hannes looked on in amusement.

The crowd didn't give much of a reaction, I was expecting some sort of argument to happen.

"I apologise Alpha Hannes. Levi's a bit-" "jealous?" I growled at the old man.

"Huh? I don't know what your talking 'bout!" Eren interjected. "H-his hormones are quite high at the moment, so I apologise for any trouble he may cause." Eren you little kiss ass!

"So he is pregnant?" Hannes interrupted before I could Jibe Eren. "Y-yes, he is."

"I'm having twins." I said loudly, making sure the others heard. Eren growled next to me. "WE'RE having twins, yes."

"It's your first?" Why does everyone ask that?! "yeah it is." "Incredible!"

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