Chapter seventeen: Backstory's

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Eren's POV:

Word spread quickly through the tribe over the next few days and eventually Pixis came to hear of the  news.

We found this out when he suddenly barged into the tent, shouting at us as a parent would scold their children.
He was upset for not hearing the exciting news from us personally.

"You're gonna be a papa and you didn't even tell your old man!" I blushed, Pixis always had the last word... for literally every situation.

"Hanji only suspects... it's way too early to be positive." He slapped my back in a friendly, congratulatory way and plopped next to Levi on the bed.

"You will be appointed Pack leaders as soon as possible." "W-we didn't only want pups to be the Pack leaders you know..." Levi muttered, making sure Pixis couldn't hear him.

"I actually wanted to congratulate you Pixis." I blurted, he was staring at Levi with an excited look in his eyes but he brought his attention back to me when I spoke.

"What on earth for?!" He made a puzzled expression. "-Because You're gonna be a grandfather... finally."

He froze in his seat.

When my parents passed, he was the one I looked up to. He taught me everything and answered all of my questions.

He'd been like a father to me, but he was old... so he was more like a grandfather...

I was also there for him when his mate had died. They hadn't had pups, but they were expecting them... which made his mourning much worse.

He still hadn't come back from his frozen state, I could only imagine what was running through his head.

"W-why me?" He finally breathed out "-Because you were there for me all those years ago. You'll be in my pups lives as well: To help them, teach them and guide them, just as you did with me. Make them wise leaders alpha."

I bowed my head, hoping this is what he wanted and didn't want to be stuck with anymore brats for the rest of his life.

"Martha would want me to... So I guess I can't say no." He smiled sadly and stared at the fur skins on the bed.
Martha was his mate, she passed when I was a teenager... she was lovely and loved to play with the pups of the Pack, feeding them and teaching mothers.

Levi reminded me of her a lot. The Pack leaders mate would help guide the unmated mothers with their pups for moral support and to put trust inside the Pack.

"T-thank you Eren...You too Levi." Levi looked up at the mention of his name and smiled.

"You'll both make fine and wise Pack leaders. As will your pups..."

After Pixis left, Levi asked me about my life and what I knew about the current pack leaders.

I told him about how his mate was expecting his litter when she died in the war, she was a very brave omega.

They had to protect the land and needed more people to help fight, she was reluctant at first as she knew she was pregnant.
Pixis only found out after the doctors had examined her body and found the unborn fetus'.

I was 15 at the time, he knew my parents when they were growing up. He'd taken an immediate liking to me when he saw the determined tears on my face at my parents funeral.

He taught me everything I needed to know. What I know now, is all thanks to him.

Levi listened intently as I told him the story of our respected pack leader.

"Eren...What happened to your parents?" He shyly asked, not wanting to bring up a touchy subject.

It was a emotional subject for me but he's my mate, he deserves to know everything.

"Y-you don't have to tell m-"

"My mother was a lovely woman, she woke up early, fed me, took care of me...But she was just as determined as I am now." I decided to sit down, Levi's ears were on end as he listened to me.

"One day a neighbouring Pack ambushed our Pack during the night. I was in bed when she shook me awake and told me to go to Martha's hut. I got ready and did as she said... but when I went out the entrance..." I froze as the images started flooding back to me.

I felt like I was still there, looking through the eyes of my 10 year old self.

"There was fire raining from the sky, engulfing the homes of my friends. People were fighting with people I didn't recognise. My mother was behind me when one of the alphas came running up to us...she protected me by shielding me, I still remember his face...I had nightmares for years." The face of the devil himself.

"My mother was viewed as the cowardly omega of the Pack but in that moment, to me, she was the bravest. I know mothers that would've left their children..." The anger I felt that night started to bubble up inside me again.

Even though 14 years had passed, I still felt the heart break I did back then.

"I didn't have the strength to fight him, I was only 10... I blamed myself because I could've killed him but when she told me to run, I ran." I regretted running from her, if only I was older, if only I was strong, I would've been able to protect her.

"-I saw so many bodies on the floor, something a child should never see. That's when I tripped over one of them... it was lifeless and had long brown hair, hair that I recognised, hair that I saw everyday..."

Levi's eyebrows scrunched up in worry as I started shaking. Whether in anger or sadness, I didn't know.

"It was my fathers body... as I said before, a child should never have to see their parents die or dead in front of them."

I continued.

"I've tried searching the Pack that attacked us, trying to find the bastard that killed my mother. The last time I asked to enter they wouldn't let me in, even whipped me for getting to close." Levi traced his fingers over the scarred lines across my back, the ones from that day.

"When I become Pack leader, I'll make sure my family is safe from attacks like that. I'll make sure no child endures what I had to...I'll protect you and the pups inside you." I placed my forehead on his and breathed heavily through my nose.

I vividly remembered that night, it replayed through my head when I first heard about Levi's possible pregnancy.
The fear that struck through me in that moment was noticed by Levi who wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing my lips lovingly.

"I'll also protect our pups... until my last breath..."

Unknown POV:

"So the Pack leaders omega's finally pregnant? That was fast...they don't beat around the bush. I might send my alphas sooner than I planned. It should be fun seeing that straight faced omega panicking..." 

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