Chapter twenty: Nesting

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Eren's POV:

Pixis had given me strict instructions to keep the knowledge of the Pack meetings to myself and Levi only.

It was traditional to go, after being appointed, to the neighbouring packs, this would show them who you were as leaders.
They'd judge you seeing if you are a good ally or if you were vulnerable.

Pixis had happily given away his title to me, he's probably off drinking somewhere now that he has so much free time on his hands.

I currently watched Levi, finding his behaviour quite odd. He'd pick things up off of the floor and place it somewhere else, making our hut look messy.

He ignored me whenever I'd try to get his attention, other than that he didn't notice my presence.

Hanji popped in to see how we were doing when she saw the weird behaviour for herself.

"Why is he-?" I shrugged. "That's what I was hoping you'd tell me."

She continued to watch him, a curious gleam in her eyes.

It wasn't until Levi started bringing things back to the bed that she finally realised what was happening.

"H-he's nesting!" She cheered loudly, startling Levi out of his trance and making him scamper under the furs on the bed, keeping a cautious eye on her.

"He's what?" "Nesting! He's trying to make his pups a more comfortable home! His instincts must be going crazy..."

I looked towards the ecstatic woman and then back to Levi.

Levi actually looked threatened... scared almost.

"Levi..." His eyes switched to me and he bore his teeth. He only just now notices me!

"He isn't himself. He sees you as an alpha, not the father of the pup. Don't take offence, he's just on high alert." She put her hand on my shoulder trying to reassure me. It wasn't helping.

"When he's given birth we'll have to introduce you to the pup properly, he'll be a big mumma bear over them. You won't be able to go near them with him around. I've been through this... Moblit couldn't go near me or our pups for weeks."


Hanji slowly stalked towards the raven haired omega and held her wrist out.

He sniffed the air and realised she was an omega as well, now his only threat was the alpha, or more commonly known as me...

"Levi... it's me." He growled, not taking his eyes off of me.

I sat on the edge of the bed and leant forward slightly, not too close, but his protests got louder.

"Eren I think you should leave, he'll be fine by tomorrow." She ran her hand through Levi's hair in a mocking 'I can touch him and you cant' way.

Hmm, I think you should shut up, He'll be safer with me.

"So your telling me to leave my home and my omega in your care even though that's my job?" "Yes I am. You're nothing but an alpha to him. A danger to him and his litter." I growled at her making Levi sink into the bed.

How dare she say I was a danger to my family!

"'Our' litter..." I corrected in a less than friendly manner.

"Levi..." I grasped his shoulder through the fur and rubbed in a calming motion until he relaxed a bit.

"Levi. I'm not gonna hurt you. It's safe, alphas here." I cupped his cheek and made our eyes meet.

He was panting heavily, a flush across his cheeks. His eyes, strangely, didn't seem to be in the same trance as before. He looked up to me in recognition but I could see his instincts were trying to take over.

"Hanji, leave..." "Why should I?" "Don't question your Pack leader." My eyes didn't leave Levi's as she walked out.

The real reason why I wanted her to leave was because I didn't want to show my 'other' side to her... the side only Levi saw.

I couldn't have Pack members seeing their leader so mushy over their mates.
Plus I didn't want the other alphas to shove at my pride when they knew I would do anything for my mate, including submitting.

I smiled down at him, his face had more emotion in it and he had a slightly innocent childlike look in his eyes.

I didn't exactly know how to come about this...

I seemed to have his attention. He responded well to my slightly submissive side.

"Levi, did you make a nest for our pup?" I brought my head down nearer to him and felt him nod his head.

"I- I'm so happy Levs! You did such a good job, alpha is so proud of you."

Praising him would hopefully bring him out, it brings me out when we're fuc- stay away bad thoughts!

I rubbed my cheek against his, something an omega would do to their alpha, a caring movement.

"You want our pup to be safe, this nest is perfect Levi. They'll be ever so safe tucked away in there with you by them!"

I was totally lying, I'd be the one to protect the both of them. However I don't think he would appreciate me saying that to him right now.

"You'll protect our pup right?" He nodded against my shoulder more firmly than the last.

"Until my last breath, alpha."

Hanji's POV:

Who knew that new pack leader of ours could be such a squishy little monster when he's alone with his mate!

I didn't completely follow his rules, I did leave the hut but i stayed outside just incase. I half followed his command!

I'd never seen an omega be swayed from instinct by their alpha, they share incredible trust in one another.

The bond between them is tight, although I couldn't help but have a bad feeling come over me about the upcoming months...

I peeked inside at the two, hoping they weren't doing what I thought they were doing.

Unfortunately, They weren't.

Eren was holding tightly to Levi from behind, they lay under the fur rugs.

Levi's face still looked a little red, his panting hadn't died down either, it was picking up more I'd say...



Abort mission!

Makeup sex in progress!

I quickly got out of there, just incase Moblit saw me, or even worse, if Levi and Eren saw me.

I wouldn't be living past 12 hours the next day if Levi caught me.

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