Chapter thirty four: Return

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Levi's POV:

At last, the long awaited chime of drums came to be heard by the whole pack.

To signal the return of the the Alphas.

I found myself practically running to Hanji's hut to punch her awake in my excitement to tell her the news that moblit was home and safe.

She forcefully ordered me to carry her to the front lines of the territory to see him first.

As I was the Pack leaders mate I would stand in front of the waiting pack, to greet Hannes' pack into our territory as well as welcome Eren back.

Many other Omegas stood, cheering their Alphas, although they did not dare take a step out of the perimeter of the territory like I did.

The hoard came into range along with the bundles of people riding upon them.
There were also some people walking beside the horses, guiding them.

Upon closer inspection, I realised Hannes' pack were on the horses and Pack Rose were walking by their side.

Eren was at the beginning of the long line of horses and was leading his horse with...

was that...


She cradled two pups in her arms and was smiling broadly.

Although Eren wore a frown.

"Pack, please retrieve our offerings and give them to Hannes' Pack." I ordered to the many unmated Omegas as they went to grab the many crops they had picked for the welcoming gift.

I stood, waiting patiently, holding hanjis arm around my neck. I spotted Moblit as well and he looked equally as distraught as Eren.

"Why do they look so sad?" I asked Hanji, as Wolfe came up to my side, holding onto my leg and trying to climb up so he could get a better look over the field.

"I didn't tell Hannes that I was leaving with Wolfe so they probably presume we're missing..."

That made sense...

I dropped Hanji's arm and picked up my pup, pointing out Eren in the crowd he started to wiggle in my hold to get down so I put him back on the floor.

But, the last thing I expected him to do was run off towards the plain fields where the horses were coming.

I gasped and sped after him, worried for my pup, although he was much faster I still wanted him to reach Eren safely.

And when Eren finally caught sight of his pup, he finally smiled.

Tears fell from his eyes and he made the whole pack stop in its journey to run forward and crush his pup in his arms.

He kissed the side of Wolfes head and whimpered tiredly.

I finally caught up to the two and had to hold myself up with my hands on my knees, panting heavily...

Damn, am I getting fat?

Of course you are, you're bloody pregnant...

Ah, yes.

I went to stand up straight again when arms wrapped around me and I relaxed immediately.

After the first touch of their pack leaders, the rest of the Omegas rushed out of the territory and ran into their Alphas arms, crying.

The unmated Omegas ran to hand their baskets of food to the many couples of people on the horses.

Eren held me tightly, not letting go until Wolfe started to struggle.

"I missed you so much." I said first, knowing he'd try to beat me to it.

"I missed you too. When I heard that Hanji and Wolfe were missing my blood ran cold..."

I smiled up at him. "We all missed you..."

Eren smiled and looking at my stomach with glee until Wolfe started to nuzzle into his neck.


Eren's eyes met mine and he arched his eyebrows.

"D-did you just speak?!" Eren shouted and grabbed Wolfes arms for them to make eye contact.

Wolfe blushed and hide in his fathers neck again.

"Yeah, he spoke a whole lot wen you were away." I smirked, teasing him.

"How could I have missed that! I'm such a bad parent." He whined.

"Well, you're here now and that's all we could ask for. I'm glad you're home safe."

"It's so good to be back..."

He put Wolfe down on the floor and pulled me closer to kiss me deeply.

His hand was on my stomach and he pushed it as if to comfort me.

"Daddy's here now so you guys can come out soon." He joked as Wolfe cuddled our legs.

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