Chapter three: Hanji

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Levi's POV:

We arrived at the healers hut and Eren lifted the curtain up for me to enter first.

So gentlemanly.

Although I did take a peek at his muscles when he lifted his arms above his head.

I looked around and saw Mikasa with the blonde man, they weren't sitting near each other. When they heard Eren's heavy foot steps they looked up.

I sat next to my sister and Armin and Eren fist bumped in greeting.

"How'd it go?" I could see she was dying to tell me. "He's really nice, he likes reading and exploring just like me! How bout Eren?" She smirked. "He's cool, I guess..."

"You can't just tell me that. Details Levs!"

"He told me about his tribe and culture, that's it. Nothing really interesting about it."
Apart from his wondering hand.

"Don't act like I didn't see you checking him out." I blushed at being found out and without my knowledge Eren was listening to the conversation behind me.
"I saw you looking at his arms when you walked in, you're such a liar!" She smacked my arm roughly.

Armin shared a knowing glance towards Eren and he flexed dramatically.

Luckily mikasa dropped the subject as soon as I told her to shut up.


A brown haired, bespectacled woman came into the tent after what felt like hours of awkward conversations trying to explain to Eren that I wasn't checking him out (which I totally was, but I'd never admit it). "I'm sorry I'm so late, had to cook for the little ones." Was this the who Pack leader mentioned?

Eren leaned across. "Hanji's going to tell us the plans for the next few weeks. Don't be too scared of her, she tends to get into people's personal space." My worst fear, human contact! (Apart from certain 'human contact' acts, I mean *cough)

The woman, Hanji sat down in front of us and took on a serious tone. "This is very important. You need to know the details of what will commence in the coming months." I listened carefully.

"Mikasa and Armin will be wed first." Mikasa gulped. "Then after a couple of weeks Levi and Eren will be wed." I looked at the ceiling trying to hold back a sigh.

"After the wedding, you'll have your wedding night and you all know what happens there." She winked. I looked away from Eren making sure he didn't see my red face.

"We're pretty aware Hanji." Armin spoke up to save the awkward conversation. "I don't think you are though." She teased when she saw Armin's blush. "We know, Hanji." This time it was Eren, Mikasa and I stayed silent.

"Fine, fine! But I haven't heard a peep out of these two, Speak up little ones." I made a face at the nickname and she pointed her gaze at me for reacting to her teasing. "Cute!"

I blushed. "'M not cute!" "You do talk! You have such a high voice." I growled at the woman. I knew we weren't going to get along. "You'll learn to love me, munchkin." I gave her the finger and Eren gasped. The young thing had probably never seen a curse before.

That reminded me.

"By the way Eren, how old are you?" "I'm 24." Oh, he just has the face of a teenager, I expected him to be younger than me. Much younger.
"What about you?" "23."

"Oh 23 is the best fertility ag-" "I know!" I sighed in frustration, the anger from the start starting to get to me.
Mother was going to kill me if she found out.

Eren purred next to me trying to get me to calm down. "Sorry, I just -I'm not used to having anyone say that." I rolled my eyes towards Eren as a little hint I wanted to get out of here and fast.

"I'm a doctor, a few weeks before your bonding and mating I'll have to give you both physicals. Pixis's orders."
I didn't even know this lady and she's already talking about 'that'...

"I can take you out tomorrow morning? You know to try and woo you." Eren whispered, at least he's bothering to get to know me before the 'wedding'.
I nodded and smiled. "Where should we meet?" "I'll pick you up at your tent."

Another point to add to the gentleman list.

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