Chapter ten: Haircuts & News

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Eren's POV:

Out of all the things Armin could of told me he told me to have a haircut... well, more like ordered.

I like my hair long, Personally I think I looked good with longer hair.
I'd started growing it after I was 20. It was in fashion then...

Sure Levi looked good with short hair but his handsome face suited shorter hair.

I asked his opinion on me with shortish hair and he almost hyperventilated thinking about it.

So I sat in Armins tent with him  cutting my hair. I watched each strand fall dramatically to the floor.

Another reason I liked my hair long was because Levi could, you know, grab at it while I pound into him- WOAH!

After hours of sitting on my ass, I walked out looking fresh.

I walked up to Levis side making him do a double take at my appearance.

"Oh my god Eren, You look hot." "I didn't look hot before?!" "That's not what I meant, you look good though." He smirked.

I smiled happily at him. My instincts rolling over in pride at hearing my omegas praise.

"It's ok I guess." I gave an experimental stroke to the back of my head and felt the short strands.

He leaned up and had a feel. "It's really short!" He scratched at my head making me lean into his hand. "You're like a pup."

He kissed my lips and sighed in content. I enjoyed the moments when he paid attention to me.

Only me...

I heard a cough to my side and Levi desperately pulled back and stared at the person watching us.

Mikasa stood there looking unimpressed, like always. "Could you two get a room? You don't see Armin and I doing that  kind of stuff." Levi clicked his tongue and told her to buzz off.

"Our weddings soon anyway. We'll have plenty of time to make out then." Her face morphed into a frown. "Gross."

I laughed at her while Levi shooed her away.

Before she left she complimented my hair. "Looking good jaeger." "Hey! Don't you go falling for my alpha." "Levi, you know I only want Armins knot."

Levi went to push her away but she grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"I need to tell you guys something important. I might need your advice as well."

She gathered us into a mini triangle. "Ok, Levi don't kill Armin but I'm pregnant." I heard him growl lowly. I stroked his side and he calmed instantly. "I don't know how to tell him and I kinda need your help."

I wasn't good with keeping secrets, especially from my best friend, who was probably worried about his wife avoiding him because she's carrying his pup.

"Well you better do it fast. Armins not stupid, he'll find out soon enough." "I know thats why I'm worried." "I wouldn't worry, Armin loves children."

"How should I tell him though?"

Levi butted in before I could give a proper answer.
"You grab him by the collar and you drag him to a private area and you say you're pregnant and then you run away. That way he cant reject you."

Well I guess you could do it that way...

"Or... you could do it more calmly. How about not grabbing him by the collar and just asking if he wants pups and then just break it to him slowly and make him cry in happiness."

Mikasa must've thought Levi's choice was better because she pulled a bit of a face at my suggestion. "Are you a hopeless romantic?" Levi cut in and replied for me again. "You don't even know!"

I pouted at Levi and he cooed at me. "Poor baby." He squished my cheeks together and kissed me again.

"Guys... this is my moment. Don't steal my moment." I keep forgetting she's there.

"Just grab him and tell him."
I pulled Levi closer to me, missing his attention slightly.

"Grab who and tell who what?" Everyone froze and I could see Mikasa actually showing emotion.

"N- nothing baby." She kissed his cheek when he came up to us and joined the circle. "Having a secret meeting without me?" "Totally."

I stayed silent because if I spoke I knew I'd spill the all important secret.

"Levi, you wanna go to the...lake?" He caught onto my plan and agreed. Wanting the couple to have their alone time.

We gave a silent thumbs up to her as we left.

I noticed Levi's worried stance and grasped his hand. "She'll be fine." "He hurts her I'll kill him."

We walked to the lake on the outskirts of the territory. I put my feet into the cool water and Levi copied.

After hours of relaxing and randomly chatting Levi started to drift off to sleep. I pulled him into my lap, his head rested on my collar bone.

His hand raised up into my hair and he pulled lightly. He was doing it unconsciously, he must like the new hair.

I walked back with him, holding him princess style and passed Armin and Mikasa on the way, they looked happy, which was a good sign.

Mikasa followed me into my hut because I wasn't allowed to be alone in the tent incase Levi's heat kicked in and I might lose control.

I set him down in my bed and watched him lean into my pillow and sniff at it.

I told Mikasa to look out for anything suspicious and make sure he was safe. 

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