Chapter thirty three: Waiting

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Levi's POV:

The next day, Mikasa woke me, she shook my shoulder urgently, making me groan in annoyance.

I slapped her hand away quickly and snuggled closer into my nest until she spoke.

"A woman and her pup are nearing your territory. They say they are from Hannes' Pack, what do you want us to do?"

A woman from Hannes' pack who knew the way to Pack Rose?

Pack Hannes...

Pack Rose...

Woman and pup...

I bolted up right, cracking my back whilst doing so and ran out of my nest before Mikasa could even start her description of the woman and pup but she followed quickly after me.

I ran, well... sped walked to the forest where it lead out onto plain grass lands and saw the crowd of my Pack as well as some of Mikasa's standing staring at the new arrivals slowly walking towards them.

Muttered words spread across the clustered crowd, speaking of how no one from Hannes' Pack had survived when they only saw two individuals and they became scared.

I ran through the Pack, they looked on at me in surprise when the pups head popped up from the woman's shoulder, sniffing the air, that was when I noticed the state they were in.

They both looked terrible...

The woman, who I quickly recognised as Hanji had some deep cuts running down her arms, most of them were still bleeding...

Wolfe was just as bad, he was dirty and covered in soot, his bottom lip and eyebrow was bleeding as well.

I'll kill who ever did this to my pup!

I caught up to them and caught Hanji as she fell to the floor, panting heavily and trembling in my arms.

I ordered the Rose Omegas to come over and tend to her immediately, they picked her up carefully and stood, waiting for the pup to resurface his head from her arm.


I spoke softly, knowing he was probably scared stiff.

His head slowly began to rise and he made eye contact with me, as soon as he saw me he started wailing out loud, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.

He reached out to me urgently, hands flailing.

I grabbed him and pulled him to my chest. "It's ok, I'm here now. No one will ever hurt you again, I promise."

His cries didn't quieten until we reached my nest.

I placed him down on the soft fur rugs and he snuggled into it with me right next to him, cuddling him.

I stroked his hair whilst he began to fall asleep, I washed his face and tried to clear up his cut lip whilst he was sleeping, hoping he'd wake up in less pain.

He awoke hours later with a whine and I washed the rest of his body, making him fresh for when Eren came home.

"Wolfe, I'm so sorry, what ever happened to you I won't allow it to ever happen again. There's no need to worry now because I'm here. I'll protect you."

He looked up at me with innocent eyes but there was a silent question in them, his lips began to quiver again.

I went to speak again when I heard a sound, a voice I'd never heard before, a child's voice, wolfes voice...

"What was that baby?"

"W-w-where's papa..." The boy spoke with tears brimming his eyes, he wiped them away with a clenched fist, trying to show his bravery.

"O-oh, Eren's trying to help your pack, their coming here to live with us, they need homes."

He nodded but I knew he didn't really understand the situation.

"Wolfe, this is your home now. You'll live here with Eren and I from now on."

He hummed in understanding and went to hug me again, snuggling into my shoulder.


A few days passed by and there was still no sign of Eren or the Alphas, Hanji was asking after Moblit as well but he'd left along with Eren.

It was hard trying to calm her whilst she was so vulnerable, without her Alpha to comfort her.

We had spoken a lot over the days and she said I'd give birth soon judging by how far my stomach had grown, that made me worry as it was still a few weeks or even months too early for them to be here.

Her baby had amazingly survived the ordeal and I was truly happy for her.

She was bed ridden for a while but she kept whining on how much she missed her pups so I allowed her to visit them.

Wolfe had begun to speak more, he was as cute as ever and he'd come out with the cutest sentences.

He'd whine and whimper during his sleep, wanting Eren to be there, it didn't feel right to be without Eren for so long...

"Eren'll be home soon, don't worry pup." I reassured, stroking his head.


A week later, I began to panic.

There were no messengers sent from the Alphas and the messengers I sent came back with nothing.

Maybe they just got side tracked by something...

Yeah, keep telling yourself that and they'll be fine.

I wasn't sleeping well, my body was tired and my eyes were sore. Wolfe couldn't sleep much either, which made me worry even more!

Hanji wasn't in a good state either, we had spent most of our time together, trying to forget about the massive problem.

I also had to juggle being pack leader for everyone, having to keep a brave face on for them to stay strong.

I prayed daily and nightly that Eren would return home safely, I wanted to be held by him again and for him to see Wolfe, his pup, safe and sound.

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