Chapter nine: Home

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Levi's POV:

We reached the tribe at around 4 in the morning. It was still dark but the sky was turning slightly lighter.

Eren ordered my friends to go back to their nests and rest, which they all did because they wouldn't argue with the future Pack leader.

He led me into the Pack leaders hut, still clasping my hand tightly.

"Pixis, We have returned." I heard a sigh of relief and the old man appeared from behind his curtains that surrounded his bed.

"To be honest I didn't expect to hear the news of your kid napping. It came as quite a shock to everyone." I smiled at him.

"Did They treat you well...?" "Yes, they fed me and tended to my needs. They didn't do anything to me."

"I'm happy to hear that. Anyway, it's late... you two should go rest." We both agreed and bid him goodbye.

"You're sleeping in my tent." I went to argue before he shut me up. "I'm not letting them take you again Levi! You're staying near me no matter what, either that or I'll sleep outside your tent!"

Stubborn bastard!

"Fine." He puffed his chest out proudly. "Good." He kissed my cheek quickly before pulling away and dragging me towards his hut.

He literally pushed me inside.

"Have a nice night Levi. My clothes are in the case on the floor by the bed." I blushed when I saw the clothes hanging out over the brim of the case.

I held it up to me and it went down to my thighs... just about covered my ass.

I wished Eren goodnight as well and I got inside his bed. I might of sniffed the pillow a couple of times before actually relaxing...


I woke to the sound of people talking, I opened my tired eyes and looked around. Mikasa and Eren stood there chatting.

"He's awake." Eren smiled down at me and Mikasa immediately wrapped her arms around me.

"Don't you ever do that again, you asshole! Mother was almost fell into a coma when she heard you'd been taken!"

I felt something wet on my shoulder and knew she was crying. "I'm ok Mika really." I looked up at her and returned her tight embrace.

"Who took you, did you see them?" "Remember the man who used to look after us... his name was Robin, he took me. Wanted me to stay pure."

"You won't be for long." Eren quietly said under his breath, luckily Mikasa didn't hear but I did.

Once Mikasa left I pulled Eren closer to me. "So when's our wedding planned for?" I teased. "Who knows. Pixis will want it to be soon, but you need to speak with him first."

Crap, I forgot about the 'talk' with the Pack leader.


So here I was... in Pixis' hut, With him talking about the wedding and the mating ritual that is essential.

"I understand what we both need to do. You don't need to go into det-" "I know far more about this than you do, listen to the experienced one." I groaned internally but still listened to his graphic speech.

He spoke of causal things... like sex, pregnancy, babies, painful births, chests swelling with milk and nipples starting to show milk ducts and other things 'normal' people talked about.

I didn't really want to hear this, it was early as hell in the morning and I didn't even know the date of the new wedding arrangements.

"When is the date for the wedding?" "In a weeks time."

Thanks for the saying sooner...


Eren came to get me from the Pack leaders hut and we both gave each other odd embarrassed looks.

"Well... That was eventful." I finally broke the awkward silence. "You think yours was bad?! Mine was the worst!" I raised my eyebrow.


"I didn't listen to half of it..." "Why didn't you?" "Because I've known about knotting since the first time I jerked off." "Well I learnt about slick even though I go through heats."
I saw a blush cover his face.

Eren's POV:

Just thinking about slick and Levi's heats together made me almost lose my mind.

I almost forgot that Levi had heats, he'd been taking a lot of herb infusions to suppress his heats since we met, so he wouldn't have them until after the wedding so we could spend it together.

"Oi, what are you thinking! It shows in your face, you're so easy to read." He rolled his eyes but had a blush across his face.

I smirked when he grasped my hand in his. "You'll have to wait until next week to take me. Be patient alpha."

"I can be patient, it's you who can't wait." I pinched his ass and he slapped my arm roughly. 

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