Chapter seven: Hostage?

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Levi's POV:

I woke up in a fluffy bed...

Fluffy bed? My memories from the previous night came back to me and I almost choked.

I looked around the room and noticed the beautiful view from outside the window. I was in the woods... somewhere.
Must be in a cabin of some sorts.

A knock came from the door to
my right and I turned towards the noise.

A man I recognised from my pack from when I was a pup stepped inside. He'd taken care of me for years whenever my mother and father were too busy to tend to me.
His name was robin, I believe.

"Prince Levi." He bowed and removed his hood from his head.
What's with the Prince title?

"Oi Robin, what the hells going on?!" He didn't seem fazed by my language in the slightest, he's the one who taught me all the bad words after all.
Even thought 'hell' may not be a curse word it was still viewed as disrespectful.

"I refuse to give you, a pure royal blooded creature over to such a filthy Alpha. Especially giving you to the Rose tribe! Who's love of war is far bigger than their love of money and greed.
Your mother has gone crazy, how could she allow you to be married and mated to some stranger from a war starting tribe. It's Disgraceful!"

If he'd of come a couple of weeks ago I would've agreed with him, but even since knowing Eren I'd warmed up to him.

"Robin... I need to get back, my Alpha will be worried sick when he finds me missing."

The elderly man looked down and shook his head disapprovingly. "No Levi, you're staying with me now. That way you can stay pure and not let that alpha ruin you by deflowering you! It's too disgusting even to imagine."

"Robin, if I am what you say I am... a prince, shouldn't you have to obey my wishes. I wish to go home." He finally looked up at me and smiled, but he just ignored my little speech.

"You are home, my prince."


Eren's POV:

I hadn't seen Levi since last night. I'd had work to do in the early hours of the morning.

I saw Mikasa and asked her if she'd made contact with her brother at all lately.
She hadn't...

I started to worry when a passer by said Levi hadn't come out of his tent the whole morning. Not wanting to cause early malting by stress and worrying I decided to check up on him myself.

I called his name past the curtains but got no reply back...

My heart started to race, but not from nervousness. "Levi." I called again.
Still getting no reply.

I didn't care if he was indecent or naked or in the bath. I was going in!

I walked into his tent and saw that everything looked normal. "Levi where are you?" I searched around his hut, which I shouldn't be doing but I was worried as hell.

I looked to his bed and saw the curtains were rolled back, on the wall was printed the Maria tribes classical symbol.

The two blue and white wings stared at me and I got the worst feeling in my stomach... last nights speech from the Pack leader coming into my head.

"Shit" I sprinted out of the tent and straight to the Pack leaders hut. Many people surrounded pixis in what looked like an important meeting.

"We have a serious problem. I don't care if this is an important meeting... the Maria tribe has taken Levi!" Pixis remained calm until he heard the last sentence then his eyes widened.

"Form a search party, Eren you lead. I'll stay and contact the Maria tribe myself." He dismissed everyone telling them the meeting would be held later on, after they had found Levi.

I worriedly gather random people to help search for my lost omega, they were all willing to help.

As we walked into the woods, I kept praying in my head that Levi was safe and sound.

Levi's POV:

"Robin, why do you view me as your prince?" "Oh, because you are blessed my prince. Blessed by the hand of the gods by being pure and not falling into sin." I raised my eyebrow.

"Is it because Eren was to mate me, Mating with Eren would make me impure?" He nodded his head and looked away, repulsed.

"What are you going to do to me here..." I feared the worst, even though he said he wanted to keep me 'pure'.
"Oh it's not what you think my prince."

I gulped down the lump in my throat. "My guards will be punished if they touch you in anyway."

I sighed in boredom and looked out the window.

Eren was out there somewhere.

Eren's POV:

My men were beginning to get tired.

I begged them to keep going but none listened, too busy complaining about their own tiredness. How selfish.

"I need to find him!" They looked up at me with droopy eyes.

I sighed. "Fine, all of you go back. I'm staying out here until night fall." They began to slink away.

Levi and I's wedding was in a weeks time. The sadness hit me but I pushed it to the back of my thoughts.
Right now I only want to find Levi.


Levi's POV:

It had been 3 days since my 'abduction'... if you could call it that, they gave me meals and let me bathe which was nice but I missed Eren.

I even missed my friends, I even missed hanji a little...Gah, what am I thinking I don't miss her!

Eren and I were suppose to be married this weekend. It was Wednesday today, it should be on the Saturday we were to be wed and mated...

I looked away sadly, avoiding all eye contact with robin. I was furious, to say the least. How dare he keep me locked in here.

He got down on his knees quickly and bowed down to me. He must of read my mind.
"I'm sorry to have forsaken you my prince. It is for your well being I promise! I will never let that alpha rape you."

"It's not rape if it's consensual you pig." He looked up at my words. "P- Pardon?!"

"I am willing to give myself to the alpha! Our mating was to be this weekend. You have interrupted a coupling I wanted, that alone is punishable by death!" He nodded slowly in understanding and had tears running down his face.

"I- I cannot hand you over to him. I'm sorry my prince." I clicked my tongue at him and made a show of glaring at him.

He sulked down into his chair and breathed heavily. "I'm sorry goddess." He leaned forward and went to take my hand but I pulled away from his grasp. "Do not touch me."

Playing this dominant goddess was quite fun actually.
"You have forsaken my word and wishes, how dare you go against me." He started crying again, I watched with a tad satisfaction.

"Look how beautiful the scenery is my prince." He said after his crying session. I looked at the window and saw it was open, a nice breeze came through and filled the room.

I got an idea and walked towards the window slowly. "What are you doing?" "Opening the window, its suffocating in here." That was an obvious lie but he bought it.

I opened the window and estimated whether I could get out quickly.
Nah, wait until night fall.

I quickly opened the window and walked back to my bed.
"I thought you'd jump out and try and escape." "I'm not that stupid..."

Or am I? 

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