Chapter four: First date

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Eren's POV:

I made sure to wake up early, take a quick bath and made sure I looked presentable (handsome).
I softened my hair out with my hands and painfully took out the tangles. I then ruined my hard work by tying it up at the back.

I wanted to go hunting with Levi for our official first date. To show him how exhilarating it was, to teach him how to pull a bow and shoot at a target.

I made my way to his tent, he doubled with his sister. Armin was outside the tent when I walked up, he heard me coming and turned around.
"Morning Armin." "Sup Eren."

Mikasa came out and Armin offered her his arm, which she took.

Levi came out once the other two were out of sight. The first thing he looked at was my bow and arrow.

Then his eyes travelled down my shirtless body.

"Are you always this naked when you walk around..." "Aw, no need to get jealous, only you Omega." I joked. I flexed my arm muscles and he flushed bright red.

"M' not jealous." He pouted, What a lie. "Do you have any idea what we're gonna be doing?" "Lemme guess." He said sarcastically.

He went back inside and to my amazement pulled his own bow and arrow out. It was decorated with little drawings and was chipped here and there.

I thought he'd be an amateur!

"I'm quite the shooter. Best in my town, I'll have you know Eren jaeger." "We'll see who's better." I cheekily smiled and put my arm on the small of his back to guide him to the woods.

"The northern woods are best for prey. I normally bring my catch back for the pups in the pack." He looked up at me in awe.

"T-That's very nice of you." I hummed but caught a sound. "Get on your knees." "W- what..." "Just do it Levi. Deer."
"D- dear! What's with the pet names all of a sudden!" His ears turned red at the sudden burst of embarrassment. "No! 'Deer', look over there."

He turned and saw a small group of feeding deer. "Do you like that name?" I smirked. "O- of course not."

I pulled one of my arrows out and balanced it in the bow. I straightened my back and breathed in focusing on the prey and actually hitting it.

Levi's POV:

When Eren pulled the bow back, I couldn't help but take another look at those muscles.

"Levi focus on me." "I am."
'Well your abs'

He released the arrow and it shot past his cheek. It was a perfect pull and the aim was spot on, and-

It hit a tree.

He blushed and choked in embarrassment. "I - I was aiming for that, practice run!" I rolled over and heaved out a loud laugh. "Right right! Ok Eren. 'Practice run'."

After my laughing fit and Eren grumbling at me, I got up and pulled my own bow out with an arrow and focused on the unfazed deer.

I shot and it hit.

I turned to Eren with a smug face. "Best in the town, I warned you." "Ok, ok but that was just luck!" I rolled my eyes. The other deer had run off.

"We can give this to the children now." He looked down at me with a stupid grin on his face. "What?" "I'm happy you actually care." "Of course I would. I may not get on with kids but I still care about their well being."

"I'll cook it first though, might make a stew." He agreed and admitted he couldn't cook so best leave the cooking to me.


We walked back with the giant animal, which Eren carried on his shoulders.

I cooked a stew, with some left over. So I went around giving the tribes people a bowl of stew and some bread on the side. They commented on how 'amazing' it was and how they didn't have much good food because no one (Eren) could cook.

"Thank You Alphas mate!" I blushed at the name but came to accept it as the children came up to me for more food.

Eren ate happily too, he loved the fact I wanted to share the meal with his pack.

Eren's POV:

Pixis walked up to stand next to me and watched everyone gathering around the warm fire.

I watched closely as Levi bottle fed a new born pup. It suckled happily on the bottle in his hand, smiling up at the mother of the child.

"He'll make a fine Leader, Along with a wise Alpha like you." I bowed to pixis and bid him goodnight. I went over to Levi and greeted the mother as well.

"It's the first time I've held a baby before..." he looked down, the baby whined when he pulled the bottle away from its mouth.

Yawing and grabbed for its mother again, It grasped Levi's shirt and pulled, whimpering when he couldn't get to the nub to suckle on.

Levi blushed and pushed the bottle to its mouth until it began drinking again.

"Levi..." I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "I'll walk you home." He nodded and put the baby in its mothers arms carefully.

I put my arm out and he entwined our arms together with his head on my arm. 
(He was too short to put his head on my shoulder) 

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