Chapter eightteen: Awkward Introductions

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Levi's POV:

Pixis held a meeting the next morning to share the not so well kept secret of the upcoming pups and announced over the next coming days the new Pack leaders would be appointed.

Eren was currently being congratulated by his friends, some he knew well, some he didn't.
But they all shared one thing in common, they all respected him. Warmly welcoming him as the next Pack leader.

My idiotic friends had come up to congratulate me as well. Once for the pregnancy and the other for the Pack leader thing.

I watched broodingly as some alphas surrounded him. Even some unmated omegas were around him.

I wasn't too happy about that so I caught his eyes, licked my lips and watched in satisfaction when he swallow, his eyes wide.

Pixis announced there be a feast that evening. So I just spent the afternoon with my friends, talking about sex again...

After the fantastic and enjoyable chat about sex it was beginning to get dark so I went towards the fire where the feast was being held.

I sat next to Eren with Pixis opposite us.

Pixis spoke with Eren quietly across the table but made sure I could hear them, speaking about territory and other packs.
The pack members were also excitedly talking amongst themselves, wondering what leaders Eren and I would make.

I watched Eren's Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped down his drink, why was something so unsexy making me so hot and bothered!

I wanted to crawl under the table, take out his dick and- WOAH!

Can't get hard when there are children around now can I?!

I couldn't but the heat under my skin was becoming unbearable. I reached under the table and looked around, making sure no one managed to catch on to the movement.

I poked Eren's leg first to see if he'd react to it. He didn't seem to notice and carried on laughing at something Pixis said.

I looked around the table again, seeing if any children were around or under the table.

If any brats were under the table they'd be in for the shock of their lives.

I trailed my palm up his thigh, his eye widened as they met mine for a brief second. I smiled back innocently.

I avoided eye contact with him even when I could practically feel his glaring eyes on the side of my head. A slight pout on my face as I looked unimpressed at the food in front of me.

I wasn't hungry... well I was, but for something else entirely...

Pixis was still trying to speak to Eren... I say trying because Eren wasn't paying much attention to the Pack leaders words.

I smirked at him when he swallowed another big gulp of wine. He almost choked when I stroked his inner thigh.

"What's wrong?" Pixis curiously asked. Poor innocent old man...
"J-just- It went down the w-wrong pipe..." He coughed again to make his lie believable.

He warned me with a call of my name...But I ignored his warning tone.

"Eren..." I called back teasingly.
I moved my hand to his waist line and palmed his crotch, alternating between soft touches and hard grabs.

I looked over at Pixis but he, luckily, seemed to be talking with another Pack member.


"Levi... enough." He weakly spoke, His eyebrows drawn in a frown.

My hand sunk under his waist line and snaked inside his pants.

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