Chapter twenty- three: Eastern Pack (part two)

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Levi's POV:

The Pack leader, Hannes, lead us through the tight knitted forest.

The rest of the Pack trailed behind us, the younger children had taken quite a liking to me and each one had demanded they hold my hand along the way. Everyone got their go.

After a relatively long time walking we arrived at the main camp. There was a large fire pit in the middle with the huts surrounding it.

Hannes ordered everyone to leave and go back to their own homes whilst he showed the 'new ones' (us) around.

"This is the healing hut. Where all of the pups are born." Hanji jumped in front of me quickly.

"I-I'm a doctor!" Hannes looked far more interested now that Hanji had said that and smiled, waving her inside first.

"We don't actually have any doctors in our Pack... many of them left or were taken."


He unfortunately changed the subject quickly, talking to Hanji about doctor stuff, things I didn't know about nor care about.

So Whilst that boring ass conversation was taking place I decided to snoop around.

Eren had followed obviously, he was as curious about the new place as I was.

"What do you think he mean by taken?" "How should I know, he seemed pretty quick to change the subject." I nodded, silently asking Eren to keep his ears open for any other information about said "disappearances". 

We sat down on a bench, easy enough to eavesdrop on their conversation, a curtain was separating us from them.

"Is it a bad time to say that I'm horny?" "Shit Levi." "What! I can't help it!"

"You can't wait until we get our own hut?" "I guess but-" "if we get caught by Hannes, Pixis would kill me. We're on Hannes turf, we can't just go at it anywhere we like." "But there's a curtain there, we'll hear them and separate." He seemed hesitant.

"Fine but I'm not knotting yo-" "but!" "-no, we'll definitely be caught then! That's my only condition." Such a baby!

I pouted up at the taller man, not getting much of a reaction as he was avoiding my eyes.

I lifted one of my legs, placed it on the other side of him and straddled him. Now his eyes met mine.


"Don't start with that."

I leaned down to his neck, nipping at it gently, careful to not leave marks...

...But if I bit him deep enough to leave a mark, the other omegas would know he was mine.

I put more pressure into the bites whilst my inner conscious battled itself between being gentle with him and making those other bitches know he was mine as much as I was his.

"You're gonna leave a mark." "That's the point. Mark me too please." I knew for a fact he loved it when I was willing for him to do something to me.

The last thing I expected was for him to stand up with me still attached around his legs.
His mouth muffled my yelp of surprise and he walked off somewhere.

I was too busy fading into his body to notice where he was walking, until I felt the cold hard floor beneath my skin...

Did. He. Just. Drop. Me.


I looked at Eren, ready to blow my mind out. Although he was too busy staring, wide eyed towards something behind me.

I turned quickly.

A kid with a shaved head looked back at us. The woman next to him was laying down in the bed of fur. Her extremely big stomach stuck out visibly through the thick layers.

"Who the hell-"

"W-we're sorry!" The two just looked at Eren, I was still on the floor, sitting in utter shock.

"Did we interrupt something?" The brunette girl laughed. At least she was trying to make this embarrassing situation funny!

"N-no. We were just- we're from Pack Rose. I'm Eren and this is my mate Levi. We're the Pack leaders and we came here to introduce ourselves!"

Nice save, Eren.

I stood up finally and tried to put a neutral face on. It wasn't working...

The baldy nodded. "I'm Connie. He pointed to the girl. "...this is my mate Sasha."

The girl, sasha, kept staring at me. It wasn't uncomfortable but they had just caught me around Erens waist and acting all weird!

"So Levi was it?" I nodded. "How far along are you?" "How'd you-" "I can see." Ok. "A couple months I guess..." "Those are the easiest!"

"Y-yeah?" "I was the only one to be pregnant this year. So I'm happy you are here. I'm not as lonely now!" "How far away are you from giving birth?" "Alpha Hannes says it'll be at least a couple of days..."

"My friends a doctor, she could check? She's pretty good."

Little did I know that her hearing was hyper acute and she rushed around the corner.

"Levi! What's this, you're talking about me! I'm 'pretty good'? You're so adorable!" She squished me into an unwilling hug.

"Don't let it get to your stupid head!" I pushed her away.

"What did you want me to check anyway?" "How long she has until birth." "Got ya!" She began to ask Sasha questions. I blocked most of them out.

I didn't want to wait around for long with Hanji. So Eren and I asked Hannes if we could walk around the territory privately.

'Privately' in Hannes eyes meant being followed by guards until we reached the main pack again.

"So much for private!" I grumbled. "You were fine being not private in the healing hut." "Eren! Don't think about that now."

The dinner was nice, no one talked to me. Everyone talked to Eren and Hanji.

"So how long has it been since you mated?" Another omega asked for the second time.

"We've been married for a few months if that's what you mean?" Eren you innocent shit bag, she's not asking that!

"Last night was our last round 'if that's what you mean'." I quoted Eren's air headed ness and smirked when the girl walked off in a huff.

"Levi don't share that kind of information with strangers." "She asked!" I continued eating whilst getting ignored by most of the older ones.

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