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'House keeping.' Someone said as I heard the door shut.

I however was already on the ground.

I couldn't move, or barely speak, I was weak.

I don't remember what happened exactly but I was on the ground and my eyes were faintly drifting.

'Miss!' Someone said rushing towards me.

She looked around and found a phone and called the ambulance as they came and took me to the hospital.

The last thing I remember before all this happened was coming back to my hotel room with Riley. If I remember exactly, we were at this club with a bunch of other models and we were dancing and drinking, of course there was guys watching and I knew at least one of them would recognize me for being Justin's girlfriend. While the girls left to go back to the dance floor, I stayed back by the bar and had a few drinks.

Under age drinking, how the hell could you be drinking if your only nineteen?

I have my ways.

'Your Justin Bieber's girlfriend right?' One of them asked coming towards me.

'Uh yeah.' I replied as I sipped on my drink as I carefully observed the rest of the girls dancing and watched the guys with the corner of my eye.

'He's worth like what, 160 million? What's his girl doing in a dump nightclub alone in Paris?'

'I'm not alone.'

'Oh, yeah where is he?'

'Probably sniffing cocaine and sleeping with other women, no wonder Selena Gomez has STD's.'

'Do you have STD's, Cailin?' One of them said coming closer to me and started rubbing my thigh.

'Don't fucking touch me!' I yelled causing a scene that everyone around saw and looked at us.

'Whatever.' He said and walked off with the rest of his friends.

I took the straw out of the drink and quickly turned the cup to my head and finished it and yelled for Riley.

'Riley, take me back to the hotel!' I said screaming against the loud music as I walked over to her.

'Was it those creepy ass holes, did they mess with you? Don't worry it's fine, I know them. I'll tell them to leave you alone.'

'Riley, just take me to the hotel, please.'

She sighed.

'Your such a fucking lame.' She said laughing as we walked out the back and walked to the parking lot where she parked as I took a seat in the passenger seat.

'Can you hold this for me?'

'Sure, what is it?-' I asked as I was putting my seat belt on and saw Riley passing me a tube of cocaine.

'Do you want to kill yourself?' I speaked hypothetically.

'Cocaine doesn't kill you, it relieves you. Helps you forget about all the bullshit and makes you feel better, you should try it sometime.'

I remained quiet and just looked out the window and drew on the foggy window as rain drops continued to hit the car.

'Alright, were here, wake up.' She said nudging me.

'You had too many drinks, maybe you should call it a night.' Riley said getting out the car as I unbuckled my seat belt and got out.

'I'm fine, I'm just tired. I drink all the time, it doesn't matter.'

That's what she used to say coming home late nights.

[Cailin's Flashback]

'Daddy, where's-'

The door slammed.

'Where the hell were you! God, I've been worried sick.'

'Have you been drinking again? Look at me?' He screamed and hit the wall as she turned to look at him.

'Mommy, are you okay? Does the drinking cause you to act like this?' I asked going closer to her.

'Cailin, go upstairs-' My dad said when my mother got closer to me and stroked my hair and touched the side of my cheek.

'I'm fine, baby girl. I'm just tired, I drink all the time. It doesn't matter. Now go to bed, I promise you won't have to worry about me again.'

I nodded my headed and walked up the stair quietly and stayed on one of the steps and sat quietly and hid so they wouldn't see me.

'Scott, look.'

'No, this can't be like this! We can't be like this-'

'I know Scott, that's why am leaving. I'm not, happy your not happy. Cailin deserves better, you deserve better.'

'That's just it? Your just gonna walk out on us?'

'Dammit, say something I'm giving up on you!'

'Some people are just better to give up on then to hold onto, Scott. I'm sorry.'

[Flashback Ends]

'Okay, we just have to open the door now. Come on.' Riley said holding me as she placed the room key in the door and opened it, turned on the light and laid me on the bed.

'You sure your fine?'

'Yes, Riley. There's nothing to worry about, like you said were in Paris.'

She smiled.

'I'll see you tomorrow?'

'See you tomorrow.' I replied as she opened the door and walked out leaving her cocaine in possession of me.


Just try.

I grabbed my credit card out of my wallet and the tube of cocaine and went into the bathroom. I turned on the light and opened the tube and poured some of it on the mirror stand and used my credit card to keep it all in place and then sniffed it all.

It was weird.

It didn't really smell like anything.

It was just, there.

What's done is done.

I sit on the edge of the toilet seat with my head down and the thoughts come back.


My mom.



The media.


For once I felt,


My head started spinning,

I felt faint.

I walked out the bathroom and turned the light off and made my way by the phone and called for services, because wanted an extra pillow to sleep, not knowing how weak I was getting after my body shut down and I collapsed to the floor.

You know what happened from there.

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