Confident {comfort inn ending.}

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'So tell me Cailin, about the night this whole cocaine incident happened.'

'I told you everything I could remember, if there was anything else different, wouldn't you think I'd tell you?'

'Cai, there just trying to help you.' My father said as he rested his hand on my shoulder as I looked at him displeasingly.

'When can I get out of here? It's been a week.'

'These weeks will go by fast, I promise.' My therapist said as she continued writing in her notebook.

'What are you writing?' I asked confusingly.

'It's nothing bad, don't worry.' She replied.

'I just want to fucking get out of here, nothing's wrong with me!' I snapped.

'There's a reason why you want to leave and a reason why your cursing, both of those reasons won't help whatever your going through.'

I remained quiet.

My stomach started to ease in pain and discomfort.

Shit, I thought to myself.

I was due for my period today.

'Can I use the bathroom?'

'If this is a reason to sneak away from your session, like last time then I'm afraid you can't.'

'I'm being serious, this time. Please?' I asked as the pain continued.

'Alright, go.'

'Daddy, can you give me my menstrual pills out of-'

'No pills, Cailin.'


'Your not allowed to take pills during your time here.'


'So I'm just suppose to naturally deal with cramps without taking pills to help ease the pain.'

'Just rough this one out, Cailin. It only lasts for a few days-'

'A whole week.' I corrected getting pissed off.

'Whatever.' I added getting up and walked out of the room and went down the hall to the bathroom and shut the door.

I quickly grabbed a pad and placed it on and cleaned myself up.

Afterwards, I washed my hands and then dried it and looked in the mirror.

I looked like shit.

Like I was dying.

The past few days, I've been dehydrated.

My lips were cracking and my face expressions were weak and looked died out.

The last I heard from Justin, I told him not worry and since my dad doesn't want me having contact with him ever since the media broke out, I'm not allowed to have any contact with him for a while, or at least until I'm "better."

I unlocked the door and stepped out and walked back down the hall and went back into the room with my therapist.

'Where's my dad?'

'He left. Come in and close the door.'

I stayed quiet and took a step in and closed the door shut.

'You don't know how bad this is Cailin, do you?'

'I know how badly cramps are killing me.' I muttered sarcastically.


'I mean honestly, all I want to do is leave here and see Justin-'

'Cailin, let me talk.'

'Okay? What is it?'

'Apparently according to the media, Justin and Selena have been seen together. With this cocaine stunt, it's making bad reputation for the both of you.'

'No. Whatever happened with the two of them is in the past. Even if they were seen spotted together-'

'Cailin, take a look at the pictures. If Justin is the main reason you want to get out of here without going deep into your problems, I wouldn't hold my breath.'

'He looks-'


'He's smiling, Cailin. You deserve the chance to too. So now, are you ready to talk?'

My heart stopped.

I didn't understand what was going on.

I felt like shit.

Why the fuck would he been with Selena, this has to be something Scooter set up.

It didn't make sense.

Was I a side hoe to him?

He could never love you, Cailin, I thought to myself.

Selena will always be his love.

No matter how many times you try to break that, that could never be broken.


'I was worried about me and Justin. A lot of stuff was going through my mind. Including Alex and my mother.'

'Every time we mention your mother, you don't feel comfortable talking about her? Why is that?'

'Because I'm afraid I'm turning into her.' I replied softly and placed my head in hands and broke down crying.

I felt pain again.

This time with emotion.


'Cailin, it's okay. Just breathe, Cailin.'

My life?

It didn't make sense anymore.

Nothing was the same.

It had no purpose.

I felt I had nothing,

and no one.

Scooter was right, who was I kidding.

I could never live up to the expectations of replacing Selena, I was just to dumb to realize that.

'Cai, I'm back. How's it-'

'Why is she crying?'

'She's thinking of all the memories.'

'Cailin, sweetheart it's time to let go of them. That is the only way to recovery.' My therapist said as I felt someone rub my back and trying to comfort me.



'Do me a favor?'

'Sure, anything. What is it?'

'Tell Justin the truth, tell him he deserves better. Tell him not to wait for me, and tell him it's over. Don't give him a chance to speak, please. I don't want to hear what he has to say or I might just regret what I'm doing. If he asks why, just say these were the words from me, myself. Okay?'

'Okay.' He replied softly as I looked up at him.

'Everything's gonna be alright.'

'I wouldn't be so sure of that.' I replied.

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