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It's Sunday.

Officially a week has past and I spent 2-4 weeks here.

I was finally being sent home and released back into the world.

"Cailin, are you done packing? We have one last session before you go."

"Almost, give me a minute." I said packing the rest of my things.

I attempted to fold my clothes but I was in such a rush I just threw everything inside my bag and zipped it up.

I looked around the room and examined to see if I was missing anything. Once I was done, I grabbed my bag and left the room and went to Dr. Smith's room and closed the door shut.

"Alright, last session." She said walking over to her seat.

I remained quiet.

"How are you feeling today?"


"Are you happy to be leaving today?"


"Cailin, your gonna have to give me more than one word answers."

"Now, tell me. Where are you planning on going as soon as you leave here."

"Well my dad is taking time off from work and were going on vacation for spring break with my little brother, Nikko. Our dad hasn't told me where were going, but he brought the tickets already."

"Okay, that sounds fun right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"You sound less enthusiastic, why is that?"

"I'm just tired, that's all."

"Cailin, you've been tired every time we've had a session, I know when your lying. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just feel caged up here and I can't wait to leave."

"Was it that bad here?"

"Just a lot of bad memories."

"I see."

"-But it helped me think." I added.

"So there was some good in it?"

"Yeah, some." I replied.

"Like what?" She asked.

"The time we went for a walk, the time we talked about my mom, the time we talked about your daughter."

It got quiet.

"I always talk and I never get to talk to you."

"That's because this is my job."

"Can we talk about your daughter."



She sighed.

"I haven't seen her in years, recently I was lucky enough to see her again. It was nice, to see the little girl I left at a young age, each and every day I regret my mistakes, I lost years of having a relationship with my daughter and she grew up into a beautiful young woman." She replied starting to cry.

I started to cry along with her.

"What was her name?" I said softly.

"Cailin Suzanne Russo." She replied.

"What's your real name?" I asked.

"Rene. Rene Blackman-Russo."

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked getting up.

"Scott thought it would be best I see you after what happened, I had moments when I felt I should tell you, but I didn't."

"So instead after all these years, you recovered and made dad tell me you were dead instead of telling me you were alive and perfectly fine running your own successful rehab center in New York with a fake name?"

"Cailin, no. I changed my name and I'm sorry. Please, let me explain-"

"Explain what? You left! That was your decision, you left and don't think now that your back everything has changed. Do you realize your the problem in my life? Whether your dead or alive!"

Tears continued to flow down both of our eyes.

"I can't do this."

"Cailin, please."

"I'll have my dad give you the final payment." I said opening the door.

"Scott wasn't paying me, Cailin. I was seeing you for free, your my daughter."

"I was your daughter. The moment my father told me you were dead, you were dead to me." I said as I walked out and slammed the door.




"Hey, bud. I just have to sign you out and then we can leave."

"We need to talk."

"Sure. Just let me sign you out first-"

"Cailin! Wait!"

I looked back to see her walking towards us.

"Ah, you probably left something as usual." My dad said as she approached us.

"Or maybe you lied to me, as usual." I added as he turned away from the sign out sheet and looked at me.

"She knows Scott." She said faintly.

"Cailin, go wait in the car with your brother."

"No. I want to hear this. Why did you lie?"

"To protect you."

"It was best you thought I was dead. You were young at the time and things were bad. Me being around didn't make anything better and I didn't want the worst for you."

"You didn't deserve a mother."

I started to cry even more.

"You didn't deserve me. You deserved much, much more, Cailin."

"Was you ever going to tell me she was alive?" I asked looking at my father disappointed.

He sighed.

"No, Cailin. No I wasn't."

"I can see why she left, you don't have one loving bone in your body, do you?" I asked as I turned away walking towards the door.

"Cailin, wait!"

I ignored him and carried on out the door as the media started flashing lights.



'Cailin, now that you're out of rehab, do you think you're gonna go back to modeling?'

'Cailin, what's happening between you and Justin? He was spotted the other day leaving the rehab center, upset.'

'Guys! She's crying' A camera guy said as he continued to snap some pictures as I grabbed my shades and placed them on to hide my eyes from the camera.

'Cailin, what are you hiding?'

'And why are you crying?'

My dad came through the crowd and grabbed my arm and pushed me through and led me to the car. He opened the door and closed it shut as I slid in the back seat and took my shades off and sniffled as Nikko turned back. His smiled faded as he looked at me crying.

"Cailin, what happened?"

I just shook my head.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

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