CHAP3-"Mistaking him"

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"Everybody!! Disperse!" the P.E teachers shout was accompanied by his whistle that marched all students into their respective classes, holding their ears shut.

The cops were getting ready to pack up for the day and continue the investigation tomorrow. But the area was still restricted and the body was taken for post-mortem. We also got into our classes waiting for the subject teacher to show up.

'But guess who showed up first'

"When did your hair grow back buddy, it feels like I shaved it off just yesterday" Jimin, one among the squad, asked, holding the hair of a boy in our class, who joined school two weeks ago.

"Ji-Jim-Jimin, please, please let me be" he answered, crying and not staring back at Jimin who rudely looked into his eyes. That was when the rest six came into the class. These seven boys are unfortunately our classmates.

There was that incident when this newbie on his first day of school accidently dropped his food on Jimin's hair in front of the entire cafeteria as they all started to laugh in silence. But as predicted he didn't let the poor boy slip through on his first day.

The next period Jimin and the rest six walked into our class, dragging the boy out to the school football court where currently a match was going on. After the next goal was announced he was dragged to the centre and Jimin poured a whole bucket of glue on his hair, destroying it forever.

'Gee, ragging going over the limits'

Everyone knows they shouldn't mess with the school raggers. That's like you having a death wish.

Coming back to the present, this whole ragging the newbie was getting on my nerve. I stood up, banging my hand on the table, gaining everyone's attention.

"Leave him alone, Jimin" I coldly said.

"You shouldn't be interfering in this!" Taehyung screamed from the corner, a bit worried.

"And you shouldn't care if I do, it's my wish" I yelled back, curling my hands into a fist. But my heart was racing in horror. Minrae, who sat beside me, kept pulling my skirt, asking me to sit down.

'But I guess it's too late to take it back now'

"Let the girl have her wish then" Jungkook said, scratching his lower lips using his thumbs. He looked like he was in deep thoughts, but he was only walking closer to me.

'My legs were honestly shivering'

He stood right beside me looking at my curled fist and quickly exchanged his gaze with me. Walking closer, he slowly raised his hands up and I was already running in circles in my head. He brought it forward and dusted the dirt off my shoulder.


"You seem to like chocolate milkshakes a lot" he said, picking one out of my bag.

He slowly opened the cap and smelled the milkshake.

"Hmm, smells good doesn't it?" he asked.

'Is he okay'

"You look like you haven't washed your hair in centuries, should oppa help you with that" he asked, smiling, with wide open eyes.

'No, he will not—'

Before I could even finish thinking of him doing it, the milkshake was now poured all over my hair, soaking me wet, with my uniform stained.

"Smells chocolaty" he added, smelling my head.

That was when a strong punch was thrown at Jungkook by Taehyung, who looked really pissed. Jungkook was now on the ground, half way flinching and half way laughing.

"I told you to never mess with my sister!" he yelled, throwing another punch at Jungkook with one hand on his collar.

"Relax hyung, it's only juice" he laughed and answered.

"What is going on!!" Our class teacher dashed into the class to see two boys on the floor, with one bleeding. And ofcourse a 'Milkshake 'soaked girl.

"You both! Follow me to the principal's office, and you Harin, get yourself clean" he screamed, so angry his eyeballs would pop out. I have to admit his patience for handling a class with these seven boys; if it was someone else they would have quit school already.

Taehyung and Jungkook walked out of the class together while Jungkook would try to sling his arms around Tae's shoulder, and Tae would just push him away. But that only made him want to sling his arm around him more. And I could see that Taehyung was about to smile at his cute behavior.

I walked out of the class with Minrae to clean up before the next bell rings. The two boys were not so far from my sight. I could see Jungkook holding both his ears in apology and running behind Taehyung who ignored him for a while.

But after Jungkook fell on his knees, still holding onto his ears in apology, Taehyung finally smiled wide, ruffling the young ones hair and walking away from the class teacher who was guiding them to the Principals room. They just took the other turn, completely ignoring the angry teacher who was taking them. No respect at all.

'They do have respect and love, but that's only to the rest of them. They are like a family to themselves'

'How much I wished Tae would ruffle my hair like that too'

I won't disagree that I'm jealous, in fact I am. But I'm angrier with him because all he does is protect me behind my back. He doesn't even look at me at home; he's always out with them. It's not wrong that I want the love and attention a sister deserves.

'No matter what he does, I still love him. And I know he does too'

I walked inside the washroom as Minrae helped me clean up.

"Did you see the way he punched Jungkook away!! That was so cool" Minrae said.

"It's not the first time I've seen him punch" I said with a sigh.

"I know, but this was all like, natural you know, like boom, bang, trrrtrr" Minrae was now shooting invisible bullets out of her invisible gun.

'Friends, the things they do to make you laugh'

"At least now you laughed" she continued, blowing the fog off her gun, acting cool and funny at the same time.

"I don't know, Minrae, I don't seem to accept Taehyung as a brother anymore, he is never with me or--"

Before I could even complete my sentence, Minrae, said something so sensible and relatable that I had never thought about, leaving me without words.

"At least as a brother he protects you all the time, what have you ever done for him, Harin?"


You: yes u is right, Minrae.

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