CHAP37-"They are all insane"

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"Please, let me take you home or at least inform your parents"

"It's okay Officer. I'll take care of it"

"It's a dangerous world. A young girl like you shouldn't take the initiative to just walk when it's getting darker"

"It's okay. I can take care of myself"

I lied about leaving early from school. The truth was that, I didn't know how to face anyone after what I had done. Letting Haylee disappear just like that, that's just so immature of me. It was not guilt to be precise; it was some other form of emotion that was taking over me.

Mr. Joon had kept that officer in charge ever since the false fire alarm incident. Or the day Namjoon went missing. And staying back in school means I had to face him every day. These days I just ended up staying back quite often for no reasons. And every time I do, he just lectures me.

The man was always a pain in the ass.

It didn't matter at all. Like the darkness that was slowly engulfing every bit of light that was summoned in the evening sky. I guess none of this is ever going to bother me. I felt used to most of the unfamiliar emotions I was feeling inside of me.

Every new part of me was tiring. But I accepted it.


There was a sudden bustle. A faint voice that was still left to mature called me. His mispronunciation was the liveliest thing that had happened to me this whole day. Just the small steps he took with his little feet made my heart melt.

The way his eyes were growing big in curiosity and the smile that was hesitant to be formed highlighted his features. He was expressionless. The child had no emotions whatsoever. He was staring at me with a blank face.

But his eyes looked wet. As if he had just rubbed the tears off his face.

I kneeled down when he approached me, reaching to his height.

"What happened? Why were you crying?" I asked, rubbing his back.

"I'm lost. I can't find my brother" the brave front he was trying to show was slowly dying. Tears were rolling down his red cheeks and it made me feel horrible.

When I felt his hands shiver when they were busy wiping the endless tears, I couldn't take it but bring him into my embrace.

"It's okay. Let's find him together"

"But I don't know where he is?" he said, pouting while answering.

"What's his name?"

"Jaemin, Choi Jaemin" he answered, making sure to add the family name like it was his first day of school.

"It's going to be fine. Please, stop crying for Noona" I requested, cupping his cheeks while rubbing off the tears using my thumbs. I held onto his hands that were so down that I had to kind of slightly bend in order to get a better grip of his little hand inside mine. I was hoping he wouldn't cry anymore so I was busy searching for any kind of candy store.

"Can Noona buy you a candy?"

"You don't have to ask. That's a right of an adult. But now that you ask, I want strawberry milk too"

So this kid was livelier and trickier than I thought. With the mention of the word candy, his entire face lit up in a sudden happiness.

It was getting darker and darker. The city lights were turned on, with the street covering up with traffic. I had a child on my shoulder, sleeping peacefully from the past few minutes and he was only getting heavier. I'm still surprised. I don't even know his name. It was getting late and his brother was not anywhere near where I found this kid. He doesn't know his house number or location. So approaching the police was my last choice

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