CHAP55(2)-"A castle built in sorrow"

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Taehyung knew it's been three days. His body was shivering from the cold and the only thing to keep his ears warm was his hoodie, which he also stretched further till his nose that was continuously running.

Three days and he was still hiding. Three days and no news from the murderer. Three days have gone by and the boy was starved to death.

Taehyung would only check two things. Footsteps and the smell of food. And until now, neither was coming his way.

Each night he would think to himself of all the other different versions of that night in another multiverse. What if she wouldn't have come that night with him, what if he had decided to wear the suite instead, would that have changed anything? He thought of all the possibilities and yet gets hit hard by the truth of his isolation inside the haunted and forgotten school godown.

It was not like Taehyung couldn't escape. But he chose not to. He wanted his sister's safety more than anything and if that meant believing the words of a murderer, he so didn't care. That evening he heard footsteps, it alarmed the boy to hide. He couldn't be seen by anyone and so he took the precaution upon himself.

"Kim Taehyung come out" a sharp voice called. He didn't know if he should be relieved or panicked to see this man again. But without any hesitation he moved from his hideout and marched forward to stand a few centimeters away from him.

"Where is my sister!" Taehyung demanded. His legs were shivering but he didn't let that fear pull his guts down. All he cared was to know about Harin and he figured to ask this question he had to be confident enough to speak.

The man moved to Taehyungs right and behind him was a perfectly fine girl. She was not injured or harmed in any way. She looked at Taehyung with no expressions and with her hands locked behind her back.

Taehyung was relieved and immediately hugged his sister tight. Consumed by burst of happiness, he didn't let go of her for a while. But he soon realized how she didn't even react to his touch. That was new to him. Harin stayed on her feet like a statue with no movements at all. Taehyung broke the hug and grabbed both her shoulders in confusion. He looked into her expressionless eyes and found that his sister was not in there anymore.

"What did you do to her?"

"Just a small hypnosis actually, nothing big. Right now, the girl in front of you is Haylee" he spoke so casually like it was no big deal. But Taehyung was only fifteen, he could not make out of anything that he said except a looming confusion about his sister being called Haylee.

"Its actually because that scumbag's daughters name is also Haylee. I figured giving her the same name would give her less chance of getting caught. Mr. Kim Shin is always a threat to me. He never liked my guts anyway, since we work in the same field, I know he will figure this out somehow, but giving her the name of his daughter will definitely keep him confused too"

"I don't understand"

"Of course, you don't. I know you didn't sign up for this but now you work for me. For my plans to work out right I need a few years' time, until then I will let you both lead a normal life. But you will be returning to me when I'm back"

"For now, just text an apology into Harin's phone so they can trace you. Leave this place and hide somewhere else before that. And when the cops question you, tell them you ran because you were mortified to see the dead body"

"What are you going to do! What plan are you talking about"?

"My beautiful game of the mockingbird"

"Why would I work for you! I will not!"

"Because I have something you love the most. And I won't return her to normal until you surrender to my orders. I know it's not nice to blackmail a teenage boy, but hey I just killed my wife so you never know what I can do further, child"

That kept Taehyung silent.

He never imagined he'd ever see this day. And so, marked his last breath of peace. From that day forth Kim Taehyung was nothing more than a trapped bird, caged and tamed by a man full of sins.

3 years passed.

Taehyung had never forgotten his role as an accomplice to the murderer. It had been three years and he still hasn't got ordersfrom the man, Taehyung knew he was close by, but there was never a meeting between the two. He thought maybe he had enough. Maybe it was all over. After all these years maybe,

he changed.

It was hard for Taehyung to face Harin. Even though between all these years he saw Harin being happy and smiling, he couldn't stop but worry about the other person created inside of her. Any moment the man will show up and use her, any moment she will lose that beautiful smile, these were all he thought about every day.

Can you imagine a child growing up in those three years with these fears haunting him?

You can't blame Taehyung really. He didn't cast out Harin from his life because he wanted to. It was always from the fear of the murderer approaching Taehyung first. He blamed himself for what happened to her. He no longer remembers what it was like to love his sister. Taehyung cried most of the nights. His silent laments never reached anyone's ears. It was a suffering he dealt with, alone, a castle of sorrow he built upon himself.

As Baekhyung's death was marked, Taehyung simply knew he was back. When he stood among the crowd, he put up a strong front, but inside, he was burning. The bullets had him thinking of the last corpse he saw. And with the countless number of them spread around the body, Taehyung knew he was having fun out of this.

Steve had his eyes on Taehyung, but it was interrupted when Hoseok had started to play around the ground.

Taehyung almost paced forward to stop Hoseok but was interrupted by his actions. After Hoseok pulled the water gun, there was no way Taehyung could reverse that.

When things settled down, all Taehyung could think of was Harin, and so he continued to stare at her, so much that even people around her started to notice. But none of it mattered. Now his first priority was to keep Harin alive. And for that, he was ready to become an accomplice.

And that was the day he had met Jungkook's father again and got his very own bird tattoo, which he took an oath to hide from the world.


A/N- Thank you. Comment what you think!

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