CHAP34-"Hide and seek"

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It all started when his finger had pointed at her.




And behind me was a clueless girl. Her expressions were defined with innocence. No sense of guilt polished in her eyes leaving nothing but clean hands.

"Hyung, I'll carry him to the clinic"

It was all happening too fast. Jungkook was on his knees, gesturing to lean the weak boy's body on his back. And Taehyung was screaming something. Something I couldn't care any less for. The crowd was noisy.


I was still staring at Haylee.

I'm observing her. Learning her. And maybe accusing her.

Everyone's attention was back on the boy who had mysteriously showed up alive. That left Haylee in complete advantage to sneak away. Obviously the boys would first take care of Hoseok. But would it be right to follow her?

Can I just go behind a murderer's accomplice?

Is it that dangerous?

I don't think so. I should go. I answer myself.

A strong will took over the agony that was slowly creeping into my menacing mind. What if she escapes and I can never find Minrae? The rest of the boys?

I want to know.

She carefully pushed away everyone in the crowd and was successful in getting out secretly while I followed. Haylee, kept tugging her hair in and it didn't take much time for me to understand she knew I was following and that her hair was only an excuse to measure the distance between us

Her footsteps got quicker and was in a hurry to get away from me.

"Haylee, wait!!"

I called her name. She froze. And so did I. Why did I freeze? Every letter that formed her name was making me feel wronged.

"I want to be alone" she demanded.

"Do I look like I care? Why are you running out of the scene? Hoseok clearly called yo-"I hesitated "I-mean-he clearly called your name" I yelled, losing control of the little bit of patience left within me.

"Why? So you all can come at me? Why did he even point at me!!! I'm going home" she said and was about to brace a step forward before I stopped her.

"If you go now things will get worse. They will come to you somehow and you know it better than I do-"


"You think I will murder my own brother"

Those words. The same sentence with a different person.

"You think I will murder my own mother"

But I had to border them apart. They aren't the same. He isn't like Haylee. Haylee, is nothing like him.

"I haven't killed anyone. I'm not even legal to hold a knife"

What? You need to be legal to hold a knife? What bullshit is she blabbering.

"You don't need to be legal to kill. Killing is illegal if you didn't know. This isn't purge night at school for God sake, Haylee" I was annoyed to the point I could actually slap her.

I never told her she killed them. But she is acting as if I had already decided to hand her over to the cops. This just makes me suspect her even more. Why was she afraid of something she didn't do? This is insane.

"Hoseok has a reason to call out your name. Don't try to get away from it"


"Then why did you try to sneak out"

"I couldn't face everyone like this. It wasn't just the few of you but almost the entire school was there witnessing it. I wasn't strong to defend myself"

She.....sounds innocent?

A nauseous feeling was suddenly taking over me. As if there was chloroform against my breath and I couldn't stand still anymore. My head was sort of spinning.

"Pick it up? Why aren't you answering your phone?" Haylee questioned.

That was when I realized my phone was ringing. It wasn't a ringtone I was familiar with. It was a whistle. It sounded, rather felt as if someone was injecting drugs into me.

I wanted to pick up. My finger was just seconds away from swiping to answer.

But I decided to stare back at Haylee to make sure she wasn't escaping. I looked at her and I could see my expressions through her eyes. I was-



"Don't worry. I'll take care of her too" I answered him. A murderer. The person I had dedicated my life to.

"Good. You have to get Hoseok back. I have drugged him to the extend he won't be able to open his eyes for an entire day. So even you won't have to be afraid of being exposed by him. He did see you when you knocked him off right?"

"Yea, everyone I took for you have already learnt my identity. And you had to send him back! What if I get caught" I yelled.

"Oh sweet love. Don't underestimate my tricks. With all the cops around Jimin you think I would be able to get any closer to him" he said and it clicked me.

"So-you mean-you mean to say that Hoseok was a distraction!?"

"Bingo! You are my smart little pretty flower, darling. Now you know" he replied, proudly.


But because he helped me I can't hate him.

He saved me.

"Is she next to you?"

"She's right in front of me. She looks really weak at the moment" I answered, almost feeling like I was conversing with him face to face but it was always through a media.

"You know what to do right, darling"

"Sure do" I replied with a smirk playing on my lips. I hated the feeling. But I didn't care although I knew the other part of me was struggling and screaming to let free.

"But wait!!" I yelled before he cuts.

He waited for me to continue.

"How did you get a hold of Jimin?! Even with the distractions there were cops standing next to him right!? He was under security then" I asked. Curiosity was ramping in me and I couldn't resist from raising such an obvious doubt.

"HAHAHAHAH" He laughed heavily before continuing. But when he did continue, his laugh died replacing it with a deep and scary voice. He sounded like a complete psychopath.

"Oh sweet love. I was standing even more close to him then. I was right beside him"


Thank you so much. Do vote and comment if you liked the chap.

You: Holy Jisoos this book gets creepier the more I read. I swear to god I might just die along with the rest in the end. But I hope they survive and save ma ass too.

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