CHAP58- "A whimsical tale"

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"Should I remind you then, son"

A step closer he took with his facial features confidently teasing me as he started to whistle. But that didn't do anything to me. I only stared at him cluelessly.

Dad approached me closer and simply put forward one of my drawings, gesturing me to take it. Just as he wanted, I took it from his grip and placed it below my eye level to observe it better under the light above.

The minute my eyes fixed on my drawing, both my vision and hearing had linked together, connecting the drawing and the whistle while taking me into a time that I had never revisited. My mind blanked out and I was now back in time.

It was a pretty smooth transition actually.

The whistle he was making had easily transitioned into the notes my little hands were playing on the piano

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The whistle he was making had easily transitioned into the notes my little hands were playing on the piano. The same music, the same tune, the same feeling had washed over me at its audio.

But this was not the first time. I had already seen this before. Yet what's different about it this time, is how it never ended with me asking my father if he was proud. It continued to him speaking.

"Jungkook, this is your music. No one can take this from you. When you hear this, you must be reminded of yourself. Understand, kid?"

"Yes father, but why?"

"Birds sing to claim territory. Every time this song comes up, son, you should know you are the alpha"

From there my memories took a quick turn to our beautiful garden, the one my mom loved and adored. I remembered that was the place dad loved to bird watch. He would sit there all day watching the sky or how birds would move around in our neighborhood.

This time I was standing beside him as we both were watching a flock of birds migrating for the seasons end.

"Birds always claim territory Jungkook, and so must you. Only that way can you accomplish dominance over your power. You must be the only one existing like yourself. You are the only leader"

I was only a ten year old. And so I listened to every word he said with at most attention and curiosity.

"You know what I find the most unique about birds" he continued while kneeling down to my height, standing on one of his knees. His hands reached forward to my forehead, brushing my strands that were aimlessly dancing with the wind. A smile crept up his face. Dad's eyes were full of passion and he looked at me as if I was his biggest accomplishment.

"They have this odd behavior of attacking their reflection. Every time they see a mirror or just their mere reflection anywhere" he continued, holding onto both my little shoulders. "They will attack. The bird thinks of its reflection as a competitor or a rival and will attack it to claim dominance over its territory. It doesn't know that it is facing itself. Only one of the same can exist and to be alpha they rage over anything that comes in their way"

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