CHAP6-" Trust"

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"What are you doing here, why aren't you going home"

"I was looking for you, Tae. I wanted to go home with you-"

"--Just go, it's getting late" Taehyung warned.

My phone beeped to see a few notifications, saying the girls already left the school since their moms came all the way here to get them, worried. That means I have to go home alone. Well I don't mind, but I want Tae to come along too.

'But he is just ignoring my efforts'

"The girls already left. I'll get out before it's too late then" I said, folding my eyebrows disappointed and grabbing my bag that I had hung on the side of the bench. That was when Taehyung grabbed my hand, holding it tight.

"What now?" I asked, annoyed.

"I can't let her go home alone at this time, guys" he said, looking at the rest five.

"Namjoon hyung and I, were called to the police station, we have to get there now. So someone else have to safely drop her"

After Tae finished talking, I noticed Jungkook slowly move out, trying to get out of the room, without letting anyone know.

"Jungkook" he called, pulling Jungkook's hair from above who was trying to crawl out the door. It's like he knew he would be picked.

"Ughh, hyung why me"

"Because Jimin would try to flirt with my sis, Jin would lose his pride by asking her lame jokes and Suga wouldn't even bother keeping an eye on her"

"Ahhhhh hyunggggg" the poor boy kept whining.

"Look, just for today, okay" he said, smiling and pulling his cheeks.

"Not in front of her, hyung" Jungkook, whispered to Tae, but I could still hear.



"Shh, just walk"

I nodded my head at the boy who rudely interrupted me.

The streets of Seoul were empty. It was already night now and really late too. The only noise I could hear was Jungkook's phone beeping and it even rang quite a few times, but he never bothered to pick. It rang for the fifteenth time now and I couldn't control my patience.

"Pick it up already, bro"

"None of your business lady and did you just call me, bro!?"

"Umm, yea, so?"

"Haha, don't call me that again!" he said, laughing like a possessed person.


"Just don't" he said, holding my school uniforms collar, almost lifting me up, with his other hand grabbing my wrist tight.

"Its irrespective"

"You're hurting me!"


"So leave you, jerk" I said, trying to get away from his strong grip.

"Mind if we join in" a group of guys, adults, said getting into the scene.

Half of them were dressed like they came out of a sewage work while the rest looked like their dresses were eaten by rats or shredded somehow. Some had scars on their faces and all over their body with black oil spread over their arms.

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