CHAP30-" Unravel him"

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"Pick up pick up your phone, Minrae" my legs were screeching in pain. I was running to school after catching the nearest bus possible. And all I had in mind was the thought of alarming Minrae. I knew I was far away and can't make it quick enough.

I won't still believe him completely, but nor do I want to take any chances with my best friend.

I kept my pace, trying to call her several times but she didn't respond. When shit started to get to me, I knew I had to try something else. Jimin? Maybe I should call him.

Surrendering, I had no choice but to seek help from her man. Great.

I quickly dug my hands inside my pockets, searching for my phone. But to my surprise, my phone was ringing the minute I was successful in grasping it. I picked the unknown call and after that in a blink on an eye my phone died.

Regardless of the several times I tried to open it, it wouldn't open.

"It's dead. Let it sleep in peace at least" a voice spoke behind me.


"You're late? I was wondering why Tae made it this early" he said, quickly standing beside me and moving his eyes to the two figures in front of me. "Now I know why" he continued, cringing to see how clumpy he was with Ashly.

"You seem lonely" I asked.

"Can't you see I'm enjoying it" he said, making me giggle at his response. He was talking as if he wanted me to just stop talking.

"Are you always like this?"

"No, I don't really like people. Does that answer your question?" he said it like he was stating some very important law of physics. Min Yoongi's logic of stating what piece of shit people are. I like it.

"What do you even do for fun?" I asked, being curious of the human being that was created in him. I mean what does he even do at home?

"Eat, sleep, regret, and repeat"

I should not laugh. I will not laugh. Because I somehow relate.

I don't talk to him as much as I do with the others and I guess his response quite much answers everything. He just says such straight answers like he never cares. But we knew there was a soft side in him. Suga might not show affection by words or actions, but secretly loves everyone dear to him.

"I have to get to class" he said, grabbing his books and wearing his specks, looking like the cool kid he is.

"You study?" I questioned just to taunt him a little. What I expected was that he will completely ignore my comment and just walk away. But little did I know this boy would reply back so cunningly.

"I don't have to. I'm a genius"

Suga had already left my sight and I was alone again. I kept feeling like I'm forgetting something!? About somebody.

Shit, Minrae.

A few minutes past and still I couldn't find her. Worry was eating me up but I didn't yet know what to do.


With the familiarity in his voice my entire body froze and stood at the same spot not moving a single muscle, hesitating to even breathe. The person was standing behind me, not allowing him to see my extremely anxious expression. At the feel of his footsteps closing up, my heart was beating crazy.

But this time it wasn't because I was in joy. This time it was a rhythm of fear that composed its beats.

"Harin, what happened? Why were you late?" Jungkook asked.

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