CHAP42-"Wrong guess"

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It took all the guts left in me to take this step. Words were continuously being formed on my tongue, but it hesitated to take shape on my lips.

"Harin, I think I know something about the murderer"

School was closed but I forced her to join me to find some clues, which was obviously just a way to lure her presence beside me.

And her company wasn't all that bad. Except, she didn't look like in a mood to talk.

Son, you need to get her to talk. Mr. Kim's words were what I trusted the most, especially after what had happened in his office.

What he did to Harin, was something I never knew could exist.

"Why are you all so competent in wanting to disappear" she asked, playing with her fingers and not being ready to spare me a glance. From today morning her eyes had never met mine. Sometimes I wonder.

Who could it be this time?

"It will be a great holiday" I replied with a wink for which she had no special reaction to.

When things weren't going as planned, I simply stopped walking which was successful in grabbing her attention. With the slow turn she took to face me, there was pain, misery, exhaustion and every possible thing that could be wrong defined on her facial expressions.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

"You should probably just stay here. I have a few things to take care of. I'll meet you when I'm done" I yelled, waving at her in a hurry while running up the staircase.

The handwriting on the note left by the murderer needs confirmation was what Mr. Kim said when I approached him with my theory. And that was where I was headed. There might be a few papers here and there. It was with that hope that I rushed inside the school administration room, because I knew that's the only place with,

all the answers.

With the slight open of the door I could see many cops glaring at me, warning me to get out. They had their guns pointing to the floor, but with my entry they had a quick reaction, bringing the guns to their chest level, aiming at me. I swung my hands in mid air, proving to them I'm harmless. But this one man welcomed me in.

"Jungkook, what brings you here?"

"Officer Steve, you are in charge of the night shift right?"

"Yes, son. Why?"

"No, nothing. I just wanted to get some papers of my hyungs. I believe a few of their reports and projects of this year are there somewhere in here. Is it okay if I take a look?"

"It's not a problem. Go on, son. But just don't tell your father or he will put me in suspension"

"That won't be a problem. Thank you"

Without hesitating I marched forward, acting as if I was scanning the files. All of them were focusing on each and every movement of my body. It was as if they were sketching me. If I moved, they had to redo it all over again. But the canvas was never made. I can't let it be made.

I need to find this out myself.

In a matter of seconds, the beeping sound of my notification saved me. It gave me an excuse to grab onto my phone and text Lucas. He was at his house. But his eyes,

They were in every corner of the school within the recording boundaries.


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