CHAP 12-"Find him"

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The school was always in silence. After Hoseok was gone missing, it's like everybody was scared to be around us. Not just because we bully, but because they fear the consequences. I mean, it's not something new for us that people don't look at us in any friendly manner.

'Exactly, what we don't want'

It was during recess that I caught Jungkook in the corridor, trying to eat his food, but was hesitating. He had something inside his clutched fist, candy maybe? I observed the boy open his hands and made a face saying 'He doesn't have a choice' and bought his hands closer to his mouth.


I don't think people sell small cylindrical shaped white candies around. Unless, he is taking some kind of pills. Medicine? Or, don't tell me, drugs?!

The boy isn't even at the age of drinking yet.

Calling his name, I quickly rushed to his side. Jungkook saw me approaching him and quickly took the pills, searching for his water bottle. He was chocking without water, meaning he consumed more than one.

I quickly picked up his bottle that fell on the ground, opening the cap for him. Jungkook, drank it, hitting his chest lightly.

"You okay?"

"Hyung! Wh-wh-what are you doing here" he didn't answer me, instead tried to avoid me by slowly walking away from me before I caught his wrist tight.

"What did you just take in?"

He didn't answer.

"Are you sick somewhere?"

He didn't still answer.

"Are you on drugs"

"HYUNG!! I would never take drugs!" he screamed, in a way only I could hear.

"Then what was that about"

"Nothing, hyung. I'm just a little sick. I had a bad stomach from morning" he explained.

"You're the first person I've seen take those many pills for a stomach ache"

"Mines a bit too bad"

"I can see how much you are suffering" I said, looking at the packets of chips he ate and another packet of biscuit he was currently holding on to. "But I believe you" I said, with a sigh. And with that reply of mine, I could see the glow in his eyes gone, while he continued to glare at the ground, not giving me a single look.

"Did you talk to your dad about tracing that number"

"You know right? How things are when I reach home. I always get greeted with a slap. How can I even go near him, hyung"

"What if he agrees"

"He won't. He will probably just kick me out of the house this time"

"Jungkook" I said, looking right into his guilty eyes. "We need to find him" I continued. "We need him. We need J-hope" I said, clenching his folded fist on his thighs. "Until we try everything we can Jungkook, we, Bangtan, cannot give up. We can find him. But for that we have to try every possible way"

He was on the verge of tearing up, before I held his shoulder. "It's okay. It's just that, I can't imagine what he must be going through right now, where he could be right now. If he is okay? Or in pain? Don't you feel the same"

"I do"

The mood was all down, while we couldn't even look at each other. So I wanted to change this environment. After all he is the youngest and must be frustrated for not being able to do anything.

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