CHAP7-"His Reminder"

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"No wait, he was only-"she couldn't complete her words, even before she could, a harsh punch was thrown at the weak boy who didn't fight back his hyung, and whose lips were now bleeding.

There was a second of smile that was formed on his face, a smile not to show his innocence, not to show his pain, but a smile that clearly states a state of dissatisfaction in him. Jungkook, was now laughing slightly at his hyung's sudden action. But it was laughter out of anger and distrust.

Breathing the heavy fog in and exhaling it out without waiting for it to condense inside his throat, he turned around the other way and walked away.

Harin, couldn't digest the incident as she blankly stared at Taehyung, who was walking in circles with his hands making sure to grab his hair in frustration every time he was about to yell. She walked right at her brother, explaining everything that had happened.

And before she could even spin to see the time, Taehyung was long gone. She only knew that her brother went behind the boy he punched hardly.

There was a slight worry pounding in her heart. Harin, waited for a few hours for her brother to return. But there was no sign of him. The darker it gets, the faster her concerns grew. She was worried those workers would show up again, and would eventually harm either of them.

A long, bad day, wanting to get fresh, she grabbed her pajamas to change after taking a shower. The silence was a melody to her present contagious mind. It was interrupted by the dripping water droplets that fell on to her tub, but she couldn't fight that, she had to listen.

'She listened'

'She listened'

'She listened'

A sudden chill ran through her nerves. Her heart that was beating according to the melody in her mind was now beating according to the dripping water droplets that finely touched the surface and all parts of her bare body. She wanted to stop thinking, but her breathing was being suffocated with a nostalgic whistle.

'She listened'

'She listened'

The whistle bought her different symptoms, but it was not just the whistle she was hearing, it was the voice modulation of the water droplets that touched her skin and eventually dropped down, she was focused and she could hear it clear.

'The noise, rather music to her, of many falling droplets of water as falling bullets'

She could even visualize the scene in her head.

'Bullets falling'

'Bullets falling'

'Bullets falling'

"Harin, don't take too much time, you will catch a fever" Harin, accidently banged her head on the wall, but was more than thankful to get out of the unusual thought. She heavily and thoughtfully replied back to her mom.

The hot fog that hid the crystal clear mirror betrayed her reflection, playing hard to show her features. She wanted to see herself, in doubt, but was hesitating to face herself. But why? She didn't know.

Walking out of her bathroom with a towel around her while leaving her wet hair that was dripping cold water on her bedroom floor didn't bother her much. But what bothered her most was the feeling of being watched.

'She felt someone watching, someone was at her window'

But when she turned to see, it was only her curtains dancing with the motion of the wind. Her heart beat relaxed for a minute, but was beating two times faster when she realized that.

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