CHAP40-"A helping hand"

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"Lucas, I think I'll need all of your help"

I rushed back, slamming the door open. But when I did, I saw Lucas smiling in a way he already knew. He had already packed his bag which was conveniently hanging on his left shoulder. Multiple number of wires were popping out of its side pockets and his Laptop was secured in his arms, against his chest.

"I knew you'll come back, hyung"

"I wasn't-I was just-"

"Yea, yea, I can already guess. Lucas, there is a psychotic murderer in our school killing people and taking away my friends. And my girlfriend seems to be involved somehow so please help me out, I have no one left but you" he said, imitating my voice quite impressively.

It's like he took the words out of my mouth.

"How did you know all that?"

"Common sense, hyung. I'm not an idiot who doesn't read news or dumb enough not to understand why someone like you, who loves so much privacy, would want to steal a girls chat"

So accurate. I hate him.

"Whatever, Lucas. Also I want you to call-"

"Called them already. All four of them will be here soon"

"What are you some mind reader?"

"Was there a day you asked me for help and never asked the other four of our cousins to tag along?"



Jungkook, don't talk anymore. This is embarrassing. You need to focus.

"Okay um-then-what else-"I was walking in circles, trying to think of a plan, which for God knows why I can't come up with. "Hyung, you need to calm down" Lucas said, walking to my side, smiling, I could almost punch his face even though I love him so much. There was so much of pressure built over me that I couldn't take any of his consolations as I just ignored and continued walking aimlessly.

"No, hyung seriously" he said, showing me his laptop screen. It was a footage of our school corridor at present. "You hacked into our schools system!?" I asked, fascinated.

"Told you I could even get Trumps search history"

"You little genius! I could almost kiss you" I yelled so happily.

"Um, no. please no" he commented, moving a step back with the smile which always linger on his lips. "For understanding a murderer we must crawl into his shoes first. And for that, I need you to take me to your famous school of murders" he said, giggling at his own joke.

Lucas was talking nonstop in the car while his driver was taking us to my school. A moment of silence was like finding a penny to me. Ever since childhood he has been the most active one in mom's family. I was never jealous of all the attention he grew with. In fact he was my favorite cousin.

Never gonna say it though.

"Whoh, that's a huge school" he said, getting out while I hid a smile at his fascinated face.

As expected, cops were everywhere near the basketball court, searching for evidences. The bodies were taken to the hospital by the time I arrived. But there were two figures standing next to each other, neither of them looking happy.

"Hyung!" I yelled, running next to Taehyung hyung while Lucas followed. "I'm sorry about-"

"It's okay, it's not her right?" he asked. "Yes and don't worry hyung. We will find her" a smile so forced was pulled up his cheeks. And then my eyes went to Harin. She didn't want to address us and was crying looking at her feet.

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