CHAP14-"Surrender your lies"

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"Somebody fell off the roof" "Was it suicide?" "He looks really familiar to him?"

The fire alarm was too loud, but the talk among the kids leaving school after the alarm was rung was even louder. They were talking about a body being found below the school roof. But, why the roof? A suicide maybe?

The boys were really worried from the text that they received from Namjoon. They were barely alive, they were panicking. Everybody had their fist clutched tight, walking left and right and not being able to know what to do further. It wouldn't be right of me to say, but I think they should check the body found.

There are chances that this could just be a prank from Namjoon?

"Guys! I-I ha-ave new-news" a boy with nerdy features, round goggle glasses and neatly brushed hair with braces on rushed inside the room we were in. How did he know this hideout? He seemed more than worried to speak up. He was nervous to death.

"How did you find this place!" Taehyung asked, grabbing his collar tight while he just tightly closed his eyes, scared.

" told me"

"Your mom!!?" he asked, tightening his grip on the boy.

"My mom's the cafeteria lady, she-sh-she cooks and she clea-cleans and gives fo-food" the boy was nervous to the limit he was blabbering now.

"You better stop stammering, I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO DEAL WITH YOU" Tae yelled, frustrated and in pain.

"Tae, relax. What do you want to say?" I asked, helping him relax a little bit.

Now that I look at him, he looks somewhat familiar to someone I know, but I couldn't really recall. There was a feel of familiarity in him that I'm not able to puzzle out. Hansung, his name, was written on his ID. When he relaxed he started peeking through my shoulder, looking for someone but was taken back with the glares given by the members.

"I'm not sure, but...please don't hurt me if I tell you this"


"I can't seem to find Namjoon here? Did he go somewhere, I mean is he okay-"even before he could finish a strong punch was thrown at him while Jungkook didn't hesitate to do it again.

"What do you know about him?! Where is he!! Answer me, scumbag"

Nobody was relaxed. This needs to stop.

"There was chaos outside, I checked it out and came here knowing you guys might be here. The thing is... a guy fell off the roof, and because he fell on his face with the cops not yet here, we couldn't make out who it was. But, peop-people a-ar-are assu-ming that he looked really familiar to..."



"No! Shut up you shit! Argh"

Jungkook kept punching the poor boy that was on the floor, nonstop. His lips were stained with blood and the glasses he wore fell on the floor, cracked. "What are you doing, stop" I tried to pull him away, so did the rest.

But his eyes were not the same as it was before. Jungkook was shivering, not with pain but anger. His breathing was heavy and they could barely control him. This is the first time I'm seeing him this way, why?

"Look, let's not panic yet and go see what happened. There are a lot of chances for it to be proved wrong" Celestia tried to talk sense into them.

There was a huge crowd again, just like how it was during the other two incidents. But because we were with the boys, the crowd wasn't a problem. They all moved to make way for them and we followed. When we reached, the boys face had no hint of pain. They had to stay strong.

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