CHAP25-"Call of darkness"

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There wasn't enough space in the room. It was rather ironical how I had the entire class to myself, but still felt suffocated, alone.

'Why would anybody be at school at this time' I thought to myself, worrying about my sudden appearance in the empty class that had already set the tables and chairs aside, waiting to arrange it back the next morning.

I was alone, waiting? Somebody called me, again?

I turned to the call and in a blink of an eye; my numb body was no longer in the class with empty benches. It was then that I noticed the unfamiliarity of the things around me. Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead, panting hard as if I had made a run from something.

Again, someone called my name.

Dark, is the word I would use. There was no specific place to look at anymore; it was just the depths of darkness that was summoned before me. My breathing wasn't stable, I was grieving for someone. I'm alone.

My name was once again called, but this time I was able to catch up to the source. In fact the familiar voice was right behind me.

It was him, it was Hoseok.

He stared into my eyes, asking me a thousand questions. Hoseok, looked helpless, but showed no fear.

When I looked even closer at the doubtful boy, his face was painted with a bird. But the more I observed, the more his face grew into strong hands that had sealed the painting in the form of a tattoo. I recognize that tattoo.

And I also recognize the figure that had the tattoo. Namjoon.

Sorrow was written on his face, showing the exact same emotions as Hoseok did. Where am I?

I had the chance to raise forward a question, but that was until a gun was pointed at them.

Surprisingly, they didn't flinch. Instead of looking at the gun, they only stared at me like the bullets never bothered them. The gun was further raised, and I knew I couldn't watch it no more.

"Harin, what the hell is wrong with you! You are nothing but trouble"

This time I was more than sure that somebody wanted my attention for sure. My head was resting on my arms, making me a very comfortable pillow to balance. Rather than being disturbed, I was thankful to the owner of the voice for helping me out.

"Jungkook?" I called, my eyes dropping low, still not being able to get myself together from the quick nap.

"Everybody is searching for you. And then I see you here sleeping in detention"

Well, so I was caught sleeping during class and was instructed to detention. It was quite odd of me to fall asleep during class. But I guess being the first class after Christmas holidays kept me in the bed time mood.

"I'm not surprised though, you must be very new to detention" he continued, trying to pull me up while I resisted.

"Five minutes, please" I pleaded, pulling Jungkook's arms that held on to mine, making him also fall into an empty chair beside me. I didn't have the patience to move him away, so I just went back to sleep on his hand that I had pulled to my bench, replacing it with mine.

His were strong, not really like mine.

For a series of seconds, everything went silent. Jungkook didn't resist and I had my eyes slowly shutting again.

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