CHAP 4-"New victim"

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First day in school and when I'm not even a student I have to walk around in uniform. This totally sucks. All the kids are giving me a knowing eye, but I have no idea who these bitches are. And neither do I want to know.

I'm here to help him find his next victim, nothing more nothing less. I don't give a damn about these kids with miniskirts.

'None the less mine are too' I thought, pulling them down.

The guys are all lame, just a bunch of show-offs, trying to act tough when they get scared of a rat out of hole.


All I know is that I have to stay away from them, especially Taehyung's sister, Harin, and her gang of girls. That's what he instructed me to do. And I will, I have to. It's an uneasy fact that I don't know the person behind the crime myself; it's always a talk in the phone. But I only know that I have to listen.

I walked into the school canteen, hoping to see his next victim. Just so I could plot something up again. This job actually is tiring. I feel unemployed for some reason.

I sat on a table for three, hoping no guy sits beside me because it was only filled with a lot them at this time. Well if they do, I would just kick his ass out. No worries.

"Hey girl, what are you doing on my seat?"

"Sitting" I plainly replied.

"No, I meant get out of here, it's my seat"

"Either I am blind, or you are. Because I don't see your name here" I jumped on his nonsense.

"Move, or I will have to make you"

"Make me" I replied, giving him one last stare.

"Okay, that's enough" he said, holding my arm and trying to pull me up. After he realized that I'm not going to move a muscle, he tried to throw a chair to my side. I dug my head, making an effort to grab the same chair and throw it at his side.

'The only difference is, I scored'

He fell on the ground with the chair above him. That one throw weakened him so much he couldn't even move a finger. Ugh, boys here are so pathetic; they act more like girls with the 'That's my seat' attitude.

But I realized that, nobody actually noticed it, since I was sitting at the edge of the hall. Well, that's good, I don't want anyone to remember me. I'm not a student in here.

"Look mister, you better keep that mouth of yours shut about this incident. Or next time it will be the table that's going to be thrown" I said, leaving his sight.

'This is going to be a long hunt'

While walking through the corridors, I noticed the girls, with Harin along their side probably.

'Shit, I should hide'

I ran to the girl's toilet, it was the best place I could think off. I stayed in there for five or six minutes before I got fed up. Slowly I walked out, peeking.

'I'm not a peeking type, ugh, but I have no choice'

But hey, my peeking gladly led me to his next victim.

'Hello there, finally you can rest in peace now' I thought, with a smirk, looking at him.

I took out my phone and made a call.

"I got him!"

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