CHAP 15-"His real self"

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"Jin hyung and I will go to the station for Minrae"

"I'm coming too"

"No you don't have to. They won't allow too many people inside. It's a police station not an amusement park" Jimin warned Celestia, who looked even angrier.

"Excuse me, why would you go for her. I'm her friend! I should be the one going in the first place" she fought, while Jimin couldn't answer back. Minrae was already taken into the police car and they were running out of time.

"I'll come along too. Me and Jin hyung will wait outside the station while you both can go in" Suga said, walking to his car that had his driver inside. He stopped next to the door, eyeing Celestia. "Get in before I change my mind" he said, eyeing her weakly and hopped into the front seat.

"I'll be in class if you need me" Taehyung talked with loss of strength, dragging himself upstairs. Seeing him helpless hurts me. I had to talk to him. But, I don't know how? Will he be like he was last time or the boy I saw three years ago with the same eyes that were in complete agony.

Things have changed. Maybe I should talk.

"I'll talk to him if you want me to" Ashly said, warmly smiling like she always does. "Maybe you should try talking to him. He's frozen from when his dad showed up" she said, while we both looked at Jungkook, who hasn't moved from his position.

"You and Jungkook were really close when you were young. I think I can talk to Tae instead"

"Thank's, I'll talk to Jungkook"

It's only a miracle to see these boys still staying strong even at such dangerous situations. If it was somebody else, they would have escaped the city already. They suffered a lot when they were young; probably what helps them to fight back now.

This was not the first time anybody disappeared from our life.

Taehyung was the first.

My brother was the first to leave all of us behind three years ago.

After what had happened then, they grew stronger, together. A promise they made in front of us, to always protect each other and stay strong. And now, it repeats.

But they kept their promise. The helpless tear that was running down Jungkook's cheeks shows the strength in their words, something that says I'll find you, before it washes down the floor and disappears.

I walked to his side, hopping to console him. But the moment he felt my presence getting near to him, he just walks away. His footsteps getting faster the more I try to reach him. But he needs someone now, somebody to reach on to.

"Jungkook wait-"

"Don't even try!" he said, looking behind to see how much closer I was getting.

"Stop following me" he yelled when I started to make a run while he did the same.

"You're creeping me out"

"Well it would help if you stop running away from me"

He didn't listen and ran all the way to the school ground that had no one but us. I was getting tired just chasing this little bunny, who keeps getting faster. He stopped in between just to breath and so did I.

"Ah-ah ..ahh Yaaaa! Why are you running?"

"Nine years have passed since we played chase and you still can't catch me?" he questioned, panting.

"Like I told you nine years ago, you're still a bunny, okay! I can't run past a bunny"

He smiled.

He finally sat down on the ground with his legs folded over each other while I did the same, moving more close to his side. To be honest I was out of breath, I could barely talk but breathe and breathe over again. I feel like I could die.

"Your dad was quite a thing today. I guess he was in a bad mood"

He looked at me and then turned away.

"That's just how he is every day. Ah!! How did I even run with a blazer on me? Mhan it's hot" he said, removing his blazer. Jungkook's face looked kind of uncomfortable; he didn't even look at me anymore. "Here, you keep it" he said, throwing it at my face. "Hey, even I'm feeling hot, okay? Why would I even-"

That was when realization struck me. My school shirt was completely drenched, I was sweating like anything, and everything could be seen through. Well, maybe not everything, but it was quite drenched.

"I-I...Mean, yea sure. Thank you" he laughed when I stammered. Jerk.

"To be honest, ever since mom married a total geek like him, my life was hell. I hate to even imagine that punk as my step dad"

Wow, he seems like a total different person now from what he was then.

"Well, not everyone is perfect"

"There was one person in my life that was so perfect, my mom. And she had to go with my dad up there, a place I can never reach them both again. And now I'm stuck with this rotten shit"

"How did your mom die anyway, I mean that day when I saw you, you were drenched in blood-"

"I have to get back to class. Taehyung hyung might be waiting" he interrupted me.

"Ashly's with him" I said, getting up when he did.

I shouldn't have asked him about the past. Great work trying to console him, Harin.

There was only silence between us. We walked outside the school gates, not saying a single word.

"Don't worry, we'll find Namjoon" I finnaly broke this never ending silence.

"Harin, I told you to stay away from this. Don't even try doing anything for us, please" he spoke, worriedly. "I won't okay? I'm just-"

"Yea I get it, trying to cheer me up. Thanks, but you don't have to say it" he said, while I looked at him with concerning eyes. "I'll find them both" he said. "It was today that Namjoon hyung told me to do whatever it takes to find Hoseok hyung, and I, I was just revolting with myself, not knowing what a nobody like me would do any help. He left me with a message I will never forget. We are not us without each of us"

"And whatever it takes, even if I have to run over my step dad, I'll do it. I'll find them both" he completed with a smile I was looking for. It's quite dangerous for him, so I'm not going to fully cheer him on that. But if that will do of any good in making him feel better, I won't stop him.

After he was done explaining, his eyes never left my side. He kept staring at my smiling face.

Maybe I should stop smiling. He was looking at somewhere near my nose, I guess?

"Jungkook?" when I called him, he was taken away.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry, but if I ever look at you like that, just punch me before its too late like you always do"

"What? Why?"

"It's for your own good"

"Well, you're doing it again" I said, laughing while he laughed too before it died to a small smile that was not looking happy.

"I didn't know he hated me that much"


"My step dad, he left me today with such painful words"

His face was not as lively as it was seconds ago, another emotion took over him, and he wasn't feeling good about it.

"What did he say?"

"He said, while he drove all the way here, how much he hoped the body reported would be mine"


I'm going to try to finish this book as fast as possible. So keep up with it, guys.

You: I never asked to suffer, but I always do. What am I doing here again?

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