CHAP26-"Riddle for a life"

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"Minare told me that Jin found out something about the missing boys. I know it's not the best time to talk about it. But I just felt you should know about this"


"She told me he found a clue about the murderer"

"What did he find?" he asked, curiosity wrapping him.

"He said—"

"Sh" Jungkook whispered moving closer to my side and gesturing me to slowly stand up. I wasn't allowed to continue.

We spent almost an hour inside the empty classroom, locked up. Till now there wasn't any kind of noises. But that was until hurried footsteps were heard. This time the footsteps were heavy and getting closer to our room. It was definitely from outside, but that didn't keep us at ease.

"Don't make any sound" like I would.

There was more than one person behind the door.

Jungkook asked me to stay behind him and I did as he wanted. My instincts warned me to stop him from walking to the door. But something else in me pulled me back.

Continuous whispering was going on behind the door. It continued for a minute and then there was loud banging on the door, scaring the human out of me. I could observe the frightened look on Jungkook's face, but he wasn't willing to give into the danger that waited for us outside.

He walked forward with the 'class broom' in his hands, raised up to his head in safety. The banging continued and I didn't know what made Jungkook think he could take over many people with a harmless broom.

"I'm going to open in the count of three" he warned.

Wtf, no.


Jung freaking kook.


Beash, I will murder you if we die.


Okay, so I'm dying.

In a blink of an eye the door was flung open and the minute it was, Jungkook's broom made its way to the first person who stood in front of the open door.

The broom was smashed right on his face and the sudden impact made him fall straight on the floor. Jungkook froze when he saw the victim grinding his teeth in anger with his fist clutched together. I looked at the door and found two boys staring at him while shaking their heads in disappointment.

But the one on the floor was the most dangerous to look at.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, JUNGKOOK. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU, BITCH" Suga yelled, on the floor, almost in tears.

It was rare of Suga to swear at school. He's usually careful and controlled, but I guess this was a little too harsh on him.

"Hyung?! I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. I thought it was a murderer" Jungkook said, tensed up to see him cursing.

"Well, you got that part right. If only I had a fucking gun with me now"

"That is why we had a quarrel about who had to stand in the front, hyung" Taehyung said "It was quite obvious that Jungkook wouldn't take a chance" Jimin continued, smirking at the figure that was huffing with anger on the floor.

"You should have at least called out instead of banging so loudly" Jungkook added, looking annoyed.

"And you think hyung would do that?" Jimin said, patting the young one's shoulder and bringing him into his embrace, worried but while stating such obvious facts.

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