CHAP10-"He texted"

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"Listen, why don't we team along with the boys? You like a good mystery either away" Ashly asked.

"I don't know, it's just, have you ever had a feeling that you are living in your dream"

"What? That was out of the blue"

"I know, but lately I've been getting weird dreams about guns and, I don't know, boys?"

"BOYS!?" all three of them marched on to me like a fire truck.

"Harin" Celestia called.

"You know you can tell us right. Did you have fun" she asked, raising each of her eyebrows in sync, signaling me her perverted face that was weirdly accompanied by the rest two.

"Argh, not like that!"

Because we were in the part of the corridor that was next to the principal's office, I kept my pace while walking. And because of that reason, these girls had luck from not getting beaten up by me, especially this new perverted piece of shit, Celestia.

It was almost winter, even the indoors started to get chilly. We were walking while rubbing our hands against our shoulders and sipping on to some warm packed coffee. Celestia, took the first sip too quick, making her flinch at the sudden burn on her lips.

She was so annoyed and shocked that she threw her coffee cup to her side, really pissed off. Frustrated, she ran her hands through her hair, lazily turning back to pick it up before the cafeteria lady catches her. But that was when a loud scream was heard.

And to our surprise, it was from the area she threw the coffee.

We turned back to see Yoongi, on the floor, on his butt, huffing in anger.

"Are you okay?"After realization struck Celestia, she ran to his side.

"It only hurts more while answering such a, stupid, obvious question" he grumbled, rubbing his butt.

"Yup, the boy is perfectly fine" Celestia declared, taking big steps, but carefully to make a run. She knew he would get her back for it. All I could do was, wait till the lion aims his prey.

'And so did he'

"Where do you think you are going" he yelled, getting up on his painful butt, ready to chase her.

After Suga was gone, I was left alone with Jungkook who was walking with him till then. The rest two girls slid off without telling me, such an amazing bond we have I must say, now there is a change in the friendship catch phrase, one for all and none for one.

'Note the sarcasm'

He stared at me with a tilted head. I think the bad boy mode is on; I've got to get out of here.
Smiling awkwardly, I got ready to slip away too.



"Walk with me"

'To hell, no son I ain't coming there yet'

I hesitantly shortened my footsteps, gesturing him to come along. People started siding away for us. I felt like a school diva to be honest. But I swear it's awkward.

We weren't talking; there was only silence between the thin air that surrounded us. And I felt only I will be the one trying to break it again.

"It's quite cold" I said, rubbing my hands.

"Is it" he asked.

I was about to answer before he stood in front of me, playing with his school blazer.

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