CHAP20-"Bunny in trap"

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"Harin-nha, is everything okay up there, did you fall or something?" mom's voice was getting closer and closer. I wasn't worried about the boy who was in Tae's room anymore, but the trouble I might get into for sneaking a guy inside my room.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

"Yaa!! What are you thinking about-"

"Shhh, one more word and I'll kick your" I stopped, and he went silent with my glare, not daring to say a single word, still under the bed.

I quickly pushed myself outside, using just my two hands. But he suddenly held on to it. "Yaa! What about me?" he asked. Our eyes met, but there wasn't enough time to think anything. The door handle was turning, slowly. I quickly looked at Jungkook, then back to the door and then his hand that was still holding on to mine.

The door was about to be slid open before I glared at Jungkook to let go of my hand. But he didn't get the signal, so I had to do it my way.

His hand that was closer to my side was my advantage. I took the chance to free myself first by biting on his hands, making him give out an awful scream, loud enough for mom to hear when she appeared in front of me while I bounced away from the bed.

"Ahhh" I yelled, trying to sound, I don't know, a bit manlier?

"Harin-ah, are you okay!" she asked, walking to my side worried while I paused her with my hands, asking her not to walk any further to me. And she did, standing there frozen, giving me odd looks.

"Ahaha, nothing mom. I-I ju-just hit my head" I blurted, stammering on my words.

"Really" she asked, doubtfully staring at me while all I did was smile like an innocent three year old would, showering her with my innocent fake face.

"Then why are you holding onto your left hand if you hurt your head" she asked, still looking at me doubtfully. My thoughts collided with what had happened seconds ago, his hands that held on to mine.

I shouldn't be thinking such things, and that too hold on to my hand so stupidly.

"Ahh, hahah, here! It hurts here" I said, rubbing the right corner of my head, making hurtful faces.

"Let me see" she spoke, coming closer to my side while I could feel my heart beating faster. With each step she forced towards me, my body automatically slid more down, like I'm going to get beaten up.

Being in such a weird position, I could now see Jungkook beside me trying really hard not to get caught.

Who am I kidding; he was just lying there peacefully.

"Mom, I can explain—"I was about to speak, but she had already bend down to check my head.

But suddenly her attention went to the bed that was beside us. Because it was quite dark inside, only I could make out the boy was inside since I already saw him clear. So mom probably couldn't make out.

"Aish, this Taehyung never cleans under his bed and my lovely daughter has to bare all this mess, should I help you with the cleaning—"

"—no, no mom, I can clean it myself"

"Aigoo, such a kind hearted daughter I have" she said, opening her phone to activate the torch mode. "No, no mom—"


There, I knew it, that's my death bells ringing. I'm dying right now and it's calling me.

"MOM, COULD YOU GET THE DOOR, I'M BUSY" Taehyung yelled from my room, catching mom's attention who switched her phone off. "Okay, I'll get it dear. Harin-nha, mom will be right back" she said before leaving. "Its okay mom, take all the time you want"

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