CHAP45-"Hidden in secrecy"

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Jungkook's mind had traveled back in time. He was now thinking of everything that had happened from yesterday all over again. Just like a tape recorder, every part of the day played back in his eyes, his lashes being the curtains that slowly closed.

He knew something wasn't right. Ever since he recognized the handwriting on the murderers note, he came into big conclusions. Although he shouldn't be, he stuck to his theory and was only investigating further based on his hypothesis.

"So you're telling me that this man was with you from three years time?"

"No, Mr. Kim. He was there with me for almost eight years now, ever since my mom got married to my father, Joon"

Jungkook replied, walking from one wall to another, his feet restlessly wincing in pain. Yet, he didn't care. It was inevitable.

But with the look that Mr. Kim gave Jungkook, he knew just spill of words wouldn't convince him. His face was stern. Glaring at the young one in doubt.

"You don't get it. Father was never a kind man to me. If there was someone who took care of my younger self back then, it was him, Officer Steve. Whenever I needed help with my homework or assignments, he would always find time for me"

"And you're calling a man like that a murderer?"

Mr. Kim's question left Jungkook speechless. He was right. Just a piece of paper containing perfectly spelled, slanting handwriting wouldn't be a proof to anything. It was rather just an assumption.

That was when he knew he needed proof. And exactly then he relealised the proof he has as off now was only,


They both knew it.

But only Jungkook could do something.

"You should just trust me already" Jungkook said, glaring back at Mr. Kim with a smile of distrust painting his current contagious emotions. Because the glare was so strong, it could easily pierce pain into the man in front of him.

"It's not like I don't know you suspect me too. I might not be able to analyze deep human emotions like you. But I do know how a person can assure someone's trust upon them" he continued. With his straight foreword words, Mr. Kim was embraced into the arms of guilt. He knew he did wrong. But Jungkook was a different boy, he was rather understanding. And he knew this from what he said next.

"I know you are worried about both your children. And I wouldn't blame you for doubting the last man standing in this bloodshed. But" he said, not facing the aged man anymore. "Thank you for staying this long by my side"

Jungkook didn't want to cry anymore. He scolded his tears, taught them obedience while treasuring them inside his eyes. Smiling was the hardest at this point. There was no reason for it to appear on his deserted face anyways.

He quickly picked up his jacket that was lying on an empty chair and walked to the door to exit. But before his foot stepped out, he made a turn, one last time to speak his thoughts out. Jungkook didn't care if Mr. Kim would believe him or not, but this heavy feeling on his chest was something he couldn't bear. And so he decided to open up his thoughts one last time.

"You remember I had mentioned about a family dinner that had happened three years ago. He was there. It was not just us three kids and two guardians. Officer Steve was my dad's only trusted companion. He goes everywhere with him. He was almost thirty I presume back then"

The room was served with pin drop silence and Mr. Kim couldn't stop hearing him.

"He didn't have dinner with us. With a call from the department he left early. And after an hour of his disappearance was when mom was found dead. Doesn't that bother you at all!!? Nineteenth February 2017, why would he leave when it was declared a public holiday saying there was an important meeting" a chilling shiver ran up Mr. Kim's spine at the mention of the date so accurately.

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