The Traditional Dare

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Laney- hey guys, we have a dare from emiliaisthename

Larry- gee, I wonder what her name is

Laney- that was lame joke 😑

Larry- anyway.... her dare is- (reads dare) o-oh no. I'm gonna go now.... so (runs away)

Laney- ???? (Reads dare) oh... this dare 😈 I'LL FIND YOU LARRY NEPP, AND WHEN I DO, IM GONNA KICK YOU IN THE GUT (opens door to see Larry huffing and puffing outside)

Larry- so... tired

Laney- man you're a terrible athlete. And now stand up

Larry- please no

Laney- it won't hurt

Larry- Liar

Laney- STAND UP 😡

Larry- ok... 😣 (stands up)

Laney- (cracks kunckles)

Larry- why are doing that like you're gonna punch-

Laney- (kicks him really hard)

Laney- (kicks him really hard)

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Larry- OWWWWW (passes out)

Laney- if he dies does that mean the book gets to end

Larry- Not. Dead.

Laney- 😧

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Laney- 😧

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