(Jarcom with Random Star 9) Fighting

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Jackie- I'm glad I can finally talk without having any trouble with breathing

Laney- ummm Larry, Marco, you guys might want some weapons

Larry and Marco- why....?

Laney- the_Night_Howler dares you to fight her

Larry and Marco- WHAT DID WE DO?!

Tom- i think it's from that time when you were questioning the Jackie muzzle thing

Star- Oh great, the two most wimpiest boys have to fight

Tom- I'm gonna need popcorn from this

Unkown- I'M HERE (reveals herself)

(Ima just call you Arsyn cause I checked your profile lol)

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(Ima just call you Arsyn cause I checked your profile lol)

Arsyn- Larry.... Marco... Fight me

Larry and Marco- WE'RE SORRY

Arsyn- too late for sorry 

marco- (sighs) i'm ready, come at me!

Arsyn- (raises her battle axe and starts running towards Marco)

Marco- (jumps over her cause he can like do karate)

Arsyn- whoa, ok this is gonna be harder than i expected

Marco- (is about to kick her)

Arsyn- (dodges)

Larry- (hides behind Laney)

Jackie, Star Tom and Laney- -______________________-

Jackie- go Marco!

Star- yeah you can do it safe boy!

Marco- -.-

Laney- go fight with him Larry -_-

Tom- yeah (eats popcorn) It'll be fun to watch

Larry- uh....

Arsyn- (tries to whack Marco)

Marco- (kicks her weapon away)

Arsyn- oh no...


Larry- um.... (starts running towards Arsyn and then slows down) uh (weakly pushes Arsyn) ...

Everyone- .....

Arsyn- this... is just sad....

Marco- yeah....

Larry- ;-;

Arsyn- did you guys learn your lesson?

Larry and Marco- y-yes ma'am!

Arsyn- ok, I'll let you off the hook just this once, but you have to never question my methos ever again. Understood?

Both- YES

Arsyn- Good, and now that I'm here, CYA!

Laney and Larry- THAT'S OUR LINE

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