(Lakebottom14)(Cookies, Dying Hair and Switching Outfits5)(Becca4)(Silver1)

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Becca- Guess what

Larry- what?

Becca- I said guess

Laney- you know we need some information to be able to guess right?

Becca- (sighs) Fine. It's a dare which will be going on for 10 chapters

Larry- don't tell me it's another hair dye dare

Laney- speaking of hair dye...

TheDerpierSide- You know why I'm here ^-^

Larry- did you make another hair dying dare again

TheDerpierSide- Nope, now give me the cookies

(Everyone hands her a bunch of cookies)

TheDerpierSide- Thank you :3 (walks away again)

McGee- does anyone know where that path she takes, even leads to?

Everyone- nope

Corey- uh guys.... 

Suzi- (holding onto his arm0

Corey- a bit of help?

Suzi- (glares ate everyone and hisses)

Suzi- (glares ate everyone and hisses)

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Becca and Laney- (get her off Corey)


Laney- no. You are not doing this.

Becca- No way is SuzixCorey ever happening (barf)

Larry- back to the dare... I've already read it, so UndertaleGandalf dares Silver to be here for 10 chapters

Corey- who's that?

(a boy with red eyes, a cap, and a puffy sweater which covers his mouth and hands comes in)

Silver- Hi...

Everyone- ...

Silver- ...

Everyone- ..hi..

Silver- I'm Silver...

Corey- Nice to meet you dude! (shakes his hand)

Silver- (shakes back) ...

Laney- So...


Larry- Do you want to do the sign off Silver? All you have to say is "Cya!"

Silver- .......cya

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