(20 Chapters of Bucky 8) (Onsie 7) Shortest Has To Survive A Washing Machine

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Bucky- oh man this dare from  0_0 

Laney- what do we have to do...? Also here's my onsie

? Also here's my onsie

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Larry- and mine

Bucky- you have to check your height, hair not included

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Bucky- you have to check your height, hair not included. And whoever is the shorter one has to survive one hour of being inside a washing machine. If both of you are the same height, then you have to put each other inside a box and ship yourselves to Norway

Laney and Larry- 😨

Bucky- (has a ruler) stand against the wall. I'll measure.

Laney- ok I'll go first (leans against wall)

Bucky- (measures) you're.... 150cm.

(Are there countries which don't use cm? If so I'm sorry. But yeah 150 is pretty short I guess)

Larry- (leans against wall) 😅

Bucky- (measure) 154cm

Laney- NO!!!!!!

Larry- HA


Bucky- look at this picture someone made. Larry is taller that you Laney

 Larry is taller that you Laney

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Larry- ^^

Larry- B(

Bucky- here's the washing machine

Bucky- here's the washing machine

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larry- go in Laney B)

Laney- n-no please

Larry- it's a dare

Laney- dear god please let me survive (goes into washing machine)

Laney- (gets out of machine all messed up with soap in hair, extra clan clothes, etc)

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Laney- (gets out of machine all messed up with soap in hair, extra clan clothes, etc)

Bucky- Lanes are you alright

Laney- i-is that you Core... oh I'm fine

Larry- um

Laney- hello unicorn

Larry- '-'

Laney- (dizzy) Core, I even tell ya i love you? Cause I doooooo

Bucky- 0//0

Larry- i think you need to rest Laney

Laney- SHUT UP UNICORN. USE YOUR MAGIC HORN TO GRANT MY EVERY WISH. ooohhh I feel dizzyyyyy (faints)


Bucky -_-

Larry- no? ok

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