(Lakebottom14)(Cookies, Dying Hair and Switching Outfits5)(Becca4)

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Becca- (reads dare from TheDerpierSide and smiles) Oh cool, Corey-poo get's to come :D

Laney- wait he does? How many chapters

Becca- well he has to dye his hair red... so I'm guessing he's staying until all of your dares are over

Laney- great... just another person to add to this madness

Larry- i thought you would be a little bit happier to see you cru-

Laney- SHUT UP

Gretchen- we all already know it

Everyone- Yeah

McGee- it was reallyyyy obvious

Laney- (awkwardly coughs) Well yeah i am happy to see him again, it's been a while, but I don't how he would react to this

Becca- he'd probably just go with it

Laney- true, I wonder how the others are doing without me though

(transitions to Corey's garage)

Kin, Kon and Corey- (sitting on the cough with bored looks, while watching TV and eating Cheese sandwiches)

Kin- We've been watching this show for 14 days straight! I'm bored -.-

Kon- No way bro, this is the good part, SHE'S GOING TO CONFESS

Corey- I didn't know you were so into romance bro

Kon- (ignores him and continues to watch)

Corey- well I'm getting bored to, we haven't been doing anything much with Lanes off at that random camp... how may days until she comes back?

Kon- 16 days

Corey- 16?! Grojband isn't the same without her ;-;

Daisy- (walks into the garage) Hi. Corey let's go

Corey- where

Daisy- you get to see Laney again!

All three- really?!

Daisy- only Corey, you two are staying here

Kin and Kon- oh :(

Corey how long

Daisy- only for 5 days, now let's go

Corey- ok... see you later guys

Kin and Kon- bye T_T

(Daisy and Corey then disappear, and then Corey appears at Camp Lakebottom)

Corey- huh... where am I? And where's Daisy?

Laney- Core?

Corey- Lanes?

Both- :D

Suzi- (sees Corey and her eyes dilate)

McGee- Earth to Suzi, are you there?

Suzi- (no response)

Corey- you look different... did you get taller

Larry- he really is oblivious..

Laney- (rolls eyes)

Becca- ok ok, enough of the reunion, let's get to the dare

Laney- (glares at her)

TheDerpierSide- I've come for my cookies and dare!

Corey- wait cookies?

Everyone- (hands her boxes of cookies)

TheDerpierSide- Yeah, it was dare for everyone to give me cookies for 10 chapters, lucky for you, you just have to do 4 since I'm letting you off the hook for this chapter

Larry- does he have to give double next chapter like me?

TheDerpierSide- nope 

Larry- why?!

TheDerpierSide- because I can :)

Larry- -______-

TheDerpierSide- Now let's dye you hair red!



Everyone- .....

Gretchen- (snickers) someone's in love

Fangirls and boys reading this- oh heck no

Suzi- (gets hair dye out of nowhere and dyes his hair red)

Suzi- (gets hair dye out of nowhere and dyes his hair red)

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Suzi- you look amazing Corey :)))))

Corey- thanks ^-^ (oblivious to the flirting)

Laney and Becca- (GLARE)

TheDerpierSide- DON;T RUIN MY SHIP

Larry- YEAH, and I was barely mentioned in this, well I'll do the sign off c-

TheDerpierSide- CYA

Larry- I QUIT

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