(Lake35)(Nice Suzi11)(Lillian11)(Zane10)(McSilver8)(Werewolf&Meifwa2)

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Laney- welcome back to this book, I don't why you're back but you are

Larry- whoa you're even more sarcastic than before, I didn't know that was even possible

Laney- (rolls eyes)

Lillian- You know what you have to do :D

Everyone- (hands her cookies as usual)

Zane- how do you eat so many cookies everyday?

Lillian- because I love them!

Laney- I'm still a wolf

Larry- I'm still a neko-

Lillian- it's called a meifwa -.-

Larry- I can't believe I have to wear cat ears and a tail again ;-; I thought those days were gone, but now they're back to haunt me

Lillian- (chuckling)

Zane- do you have any dares for today?

Laney- we actually have a question for once

Everyone- (insert dramatic gasp)

Gretchen- wow you guys never get questions, do you?

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Gretchen- wow you guys never get questions, do you?

Larry- not really, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity

Squirt- ooh, what's the question?

Laney- Tamara_Blue_Hoodie asks, 'what do you think of Jadahsworld Jadah?'

Larry- Who? What?

Lillian- (Searches it up) it's from a book Tamara_Blue_Hoodie wrote, here you go (gives them her phone to read)

Laney- ok so she's the one in the hoodie

Larry- and is nice, warmhearted and chill

Laney- like friends, family, and other things

Larry- and doesn't like mean people

Laney- she sounds pretty cool

Larry- I agree, she sound like a great person

Zane- is that all for today

Laney- pretty much. Send in more of your dares and questions in the comments. Or don't. I'd actually prefer if you di-

Larry- Cya! (glares at her)

(in the background McSilver is playing tag)

(with Suzi)

Suzi- I've finally finished meeting all of my friends throughout the underground and now I'm ready to get back on the surface!!!!!

Toriel- are you ready my child?

Suzi- Yes- (is about to walk out)

(suddenly a not falls from the sky)


Suzi- (picks it up and reads) "Nu uh, you can't get out of the underground, remember, you gotta stay her forever :)"

Everyone but Toriel- ...... CYA (runs out)

Toriel- don't worry my child, I will stay with you

Suzi- are you sure?

Toriel- yes

Suzi- Thank youu (they hug)

Toriel- (mutters) Wasn't she meaner the last time I saw her...

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