(Lake17)(Cookies, Hair, Switching Outfits8)(Becca7)(Silver4)(Sigh3)(Larney3)

49 2 23

Becca- Well this is my last chapter, this is pretty normal. I'm probably gonna dare myself to be here again, sooner or later

Larry- Well I'll miss you :)

Becca- Thanks :)

Laney- I'll miss you too..

Becca- I can't tell is that's sarcasm but thanks. I'll miss you Corey (idk if you use corey-poo anymore so)

Silver- ... (does not know what to say to a person he hasn't even talked to before)

Corey- I'll miss you too Becca!

TheDerpierSide-I'll miss you too!

Becca- .....thanks?

TheDerpierSide- I still want my cookies though

(everyone hands her cookies)

TheDerpierSide- arigatou (disappears)

Suzi- (gags) Stop with the stupid farewell!

Becca- you'll be getting what's coming to you soon :D

Suzi- huh????!!!!

Becca- the_Night_Howler dares Laney and Larry to go back to that haunted house from a million chapters ago and meet the stranger

Larry- what stranger?

Becca- (shrugs)

Larry- sigh

Laney- STOP IT (kisses his cheek)

Larry- I just imagine you to be Carrie whenever you do that

Laney- oh that's why you're not disgusted, well let's go back tot he haunted house

Larry- I-i'm not scared, let's do this

(they arrive at the haunted house)

(they arrive at the haunted house)

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Laney and Larry- whoa.... '0'

Laney- what happened...

Larry- it's so different now...

Laney- well let's go meet with this 'stranger'

(they both go to the door and knock)

(they hear a voice)

Voice- ooh it's those two from before!!! (opens door)

Laney- uh... hi, I'm Laney and he's Larry

Stranger- why hello there ^_^ I'm glad you two finally came to see me

Larry- you know us?

Stranger- yeah! You came over to my house that other day but never came up to me, and i was next to you two the whole time ;-;

Laney- but we didn't see you

Stranger- oh, that's because I'm a ghost

Larry- a ghost....? But we can see you now

Stranger- I'm currently possessing someone who I thought would look very nice and welcoming to new people

Stranger- I'm currently possessing someone who I thought would look very nice and welcoming to new people

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Stranger- don't I look like such a nice and sweet person?

Laney- yeahhhh....

Stranger- I even changed my house! After realising it scared people

Larry- you definitely made the right choice

Stranger- why thank you, would you like to know my name?

Both- yes!

Stranger- it is.....

Audience- (in suspense)

Stranger- Bob

Laney and Larry- ..... we'll be going now

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