(Becca and Tom 9) (Mcgee and Gretchen3) no more singing hallelujah

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(I wasn't really sure what you dare meant Larrytheinkwolf so sorry if this is not what you wanted)

Laney- (is about to sing)

Larry- STOP

Laney- what?

Larry- this dare from Larrytheinkwolf, he dares us to turn back to humans, which we are already and we don't have to sing any more Grojband songs for the whole book, including Carrie for some reason

Laney- yeah but I still have to sing these high school musical songs...

Larry- I also think he meant you don't have sing at all anymore

Laney- really?

Larry- yes!

Laney and Larry- WE'RE FREEEEEE

Corey- now can you tell us why you were singing to me and Beff?

Laney- it was a dare

Carrie-  oh..... that makes much more sense

Larry- yeah, sorry Carr

Carrie- it's fine, I'm sorry for trying to murder you multiple times

Larry-it's fine....

Mcgee- I'm confused....

Gretchen- sing...?

Becca- you'll get used to it

Tom- no you won't

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