(20 Chapters of Bucky 15) (Jarcom2) Dictionaries (DUMMY1)

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Laney- hey guys!

Larry- looks like we got a dare from the_Night_Howler

Marco- dare....?

Bucky- yup, she dares you guys to challenge on who can finish reading the thickest dictionary and whoever loses must wear clothes that say, "I'M A DUMMY" for the next 5 chapters

Laney- that isn't so bad...

Larry- its totally humiliating....

Jackie- (chuckles)

Laney- how thick are these dictionaries?

Bucky- (brings them in) this big

Bucky- (brings them in) this big

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Laney and Larry- 😅😅😅

Bucky- you have 3 options. Read the thinnest

Bucky- in the middle

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Bucky- in the middle

Bucky- or the thickest

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Bucky- or the thickest. Remeber the one to read the thickest wins

 Remeber the one to read the thickest wins

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laney and Larry- ok

Laney- (reads thinnest which is like 20 pages)

Bucky- um..

Tom- is she stupid?

Larry- (starts reading the thickest which is like 1000 pages)

Bucky- I think we know who's gonna win...

Marco- yup


Laney- (starts reading the medium book which is 100 pages)

Larry- (only read 30 pages)


Laney- (starts reading the thickest book)

Larry- (is only up to 100 pages) I GIVE UP

Laney- I WIN

Larry- HOW

Laney- 20+100+10 is 130. You've only 100 😜

Larry- whoa...

Bucky- you're so smart....

Tom- I take back everything I said

Jackie- (high fives her) great job

Laney- thanks, I guess Larry's not smart cause he's a dummy 😂

Bucky- (hands Larry a shirt that says he's a dummy) wear it for the next 5 chapters)

Larry- (goes out and changes into and then comes back) 😑

Larry- (goes out and changes into and then comes back) 😑

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Laney and Bucky and Jarcom- 😂😂😂😂

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