(Lake31)(Silver18)(Spying9)(Nice Suzi7)(Goth Suzi7) (Lillian7)(Zane6)

39 1 3

Continued title- (McSilver4)

Lillian- Cookies! :D

Everyone- (hands her boxes of cookies again)

Laney- I know Larry, you're running out of money

Larry- how did you know I was gonna think that??

Laney- I know you so well that I know everything you're about to think

Larry- ..... (stares suspiciously at the bow)

Laney- Anyway... you have a dare!

Larry- I do? (sighs)

Zane- what is it?

Laney- ilovelaney2 dares Larry and the Newmans to sing "Driving home for Christmas"

Zane- why are you singing all these Christmas songs after Christmas?

Larry- (shrugs) at least I get to see my band! 

(everyone waits for them appear out of nowhere)

Larry- huh why aren't they here yet like every other time...

Lillian- (eating cookies) I think you jinxed it

Laney- then how are we gonna bring them

Larry- guess we'll have to actually go to Peaceville by foot....

Laney- oh.. good luck

Larry- what you're not coming with me???

Laney- (pushes him) bye

Larry- (starts walking)

(we bring you to this filler by McSilver)

McGee- so..... why don't you talk much

Silver- (shrugs)

McGee- oh, you should talk more

Silver- .... ok

McGee- why are we being used as filler

Laney- because no one wants to read about Larry walking to Peaceville, and we needed some McSilver, now get back to script!

Silver- read...?

McGee- script....?

(Larry soon comes back with the Newmans)

Carrie- where are we...?

Larry- welcome to Camp Lakebottom!

Gretchen- oh no more people...

Kim- why did you bring us here?

Larry- well we got dared to sing this song. Count this as a gig

Carrie- oh ok, let's do this

Carrie, Kin, Konnie and Larry-

I'm driving home for Christmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those faces
I'm driving home for Christmas, yea
Well I'm moving down that line
And it's been so long
But I will be there
I sing this song
To pass the time away
Driving in my car
Driving home for Christmas

It's gonna take some time
But I'll get there
Top to toe in tailbacks
Oh, I got red lights on the run
But soon there'll be a freeway yeah
Get my feet on holy ground

So I sing for you
Though you can't hear me
When I get trough
And feel you near me
Driving in my car
I'm driving home for Christmas
Driving home for Christmas
With a thousand memories

I take look at the driver next to me
He's just the same
Just the same

Top to toe in tailbacks
Oh, I got red lights all around
I'm driving home for Christmas, yea
Get my feet on holy ground
So I sing for you
Though you can't hear me
When I get trough
Oh and feel you near me
Driving in my car
Driving home for Christmas
Driving home for Christmas
With a thousand memories

I take look at the driver next to me
He's just the same
He driving home, driving home
Driving home for Christmas

Driving home for Christmas

Everyone- (claps)

Kim- why did we have to sing a Christmas song after christmas?

Larry- (shrugs)

Konnie- (trying to take Lillian's cookies) GIMME


(with le Suzi)



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Suzi- ........sure

Undyne- I KNEW IT 

Suzi- are you ok...?


Suzi- well... at least I got Alphys and Undyne together!

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