(Bucky 11) (Camp Lakebottom 1)

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Laney- it feels good to be back in my clothes

Larry- keep saying that

Laney- -.-

Bucky- we have to move the dare place to Camp Lakebottom for 30 chapters

Larry- isn't that where McGee and Gretchen live?

Laney- yeah, this is gonna suck

(they all pack their stuff and teleport to Camp Lakebottom)

Larry- How are we able to teleport?

Laney- I don't know

Bucky- author powers

Laney- what

Larry- what

Bucky- what

Gretchen- ..... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

Squirt- are these the people you were talking about?

McGee- yup

Squirt- (walks up to them)(talks really slowly) hello... welcome to our world... please don't eat us

Laney, Larry and Bucky-

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Laney, Larry and Bucky- ....

Bucky- we camebecsuse the_Night_Howler dared us to be here for 30 chapters with you 3, these people called Suzi and Buttsquat, the newbies from the classic and everyone from camp Bottomlake

McGee, Gretchen and Squirt- ..... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Larry- is that bad?

The three- AHHHHHHH

Larry- I take that as a yes

McGee- how are we supposed to get them all here anyway?

Gretchen- (shouts) MCGEE IS ABOUT TO DIE

(All of the people come out of nowhere)

Suzi- ooh! This I have to see

Bucky- that girl and Laney have the same type of voice

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Bucky- that girl and Laney have the same type of voice

(Same voice actors huehue)

Buttsquat- (has a video camera)

Buttsquat- (has a video camera)

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Gretchen- we lied. He didn't die

Everyone- aww ;-;

Suzi- ugh let's go everyone


Suzi- EW no way

Laney- (walks up to her with an angry expression) You better (punches fist into hand)

Suzi- F-fine, but only because I want to

Gretchen and Laney- (high five)

Bucky- this is going to be crowded...

(I probably won't make the newbies talk that muxh from the classic I have no idea who they are, but they're there)

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