(Lake23)(Silver10)(Sigh9)(Larney9) (Spying1)

42 2 13

Silver- today's my last chapter...

Laney- actually it isn't, UndertaleGandalf requested you to be here for another 10 chapters

Silver- really...? :D

Larry- yup

Silver- Yay...

McGee- do you guys have any dares this chapter

Laney- NOPE

Larry- why are you acting so suspiciously Laney?

Laney- (quickly kisses his cheek) I don't know what you're talking about

Gretchen- um are you ok...?

Laney- I'm fine! Uh... I'll be back (runs away for her life)

Larry- that was weird....


Larry- do you just randomly butt in just to insult us?

Buttsquat- yes, it's my speciality

(with Laney who's in the forest)

Laney- uhh how do I get Kin and Kim here...? This dare from alex_Corney96 is really good though, I just hope no one catches me

Larry- (spying on her from afar) I am so going to catch what you're up to La- ok no I'm not going to finish that


Daisy's voice- yeah ok

Laney- (transports to Peaceville) it worked! Thank you Daisy


Laney- Rude. Anyway I need to find Kin and Kim....(sees both of them walking down the street together) hi guys

Kin and Kim- LANEY!?

Kin- you're finally back!

Kim- where's Larry?

Laney- oh well, I'm just here for a dare. I need you two to make me a mind reading device in the shape of a bow

Kin and Kim- oh.. :(

Laney- don't worry guys, we'll be back soon

Kin- ok, well let's get to work

(after a few minutes)

Kim- we present to you....

Kin- The Mind reading bow 4000

Kin- The Mind reading bow 4000

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Laney- creative title

Kim- I know right!

Laney- I was being sarc- never mind, thanks guys, but isn't this a bit too sparkly... and pink for me?

Kin- Oh ok, I guess you won't be needing it

Laney- no no! I'll take it, thank you, DAISY TAKE ME BACK TO CAMP LAKEBOTTOM (disappears)

Kim- how did she do that...?

Kin- Magic..?

(at camp lakebottom)

Larry- huh where did she go?

Laney- (reappears with the bow on her head)

Larry- *hey that bow suits her*

Laney- (walks parts him) I think this bow suits me, don't ya think?

Larry- H-HUH? Where'd you get it from?

Laney- oh just found it on the floor, weird right? Anyway let's get back to camp.

Larry- ok.... *I am so gonna figure out what you're up to*

Laney- *haha no you're not*

(back at camp)

McGee- hey you guys are back!

Gretchen- we were so worried *not really*

Laney- Sure

Squirt- where'd you get the bow from? *I want it!!!*

Laney- sorry Squirt, can't give it to you

Squirt- wha-

Larry- you're acting weird...

Laney- no I'm not

Silver- *this must be a dare...*

Laney- it isn't

Silver- 0_0 ...

Laney- :)

(with Suzi)


Toriel- if you want to leave, then yes

Suzi- Oh what's this (presses spare button)

Toriel- (silent)


Toriel- ....

(a few seconds later)

Suzi- (gets down to 2 HP)

Toriel- (avoids hitting her)

Suzi- oh wow I'm so good at this!

Toriel- (questioning her sanity)

(after a lot of sparing)

Toriel- I'm sorry my child, I was self-

Suzi- yeah yeah whatever, be happy that I didn't kill you, but because I'm so kind I spared you. Later. (walks out)

Toriel- ........ such a strange child

(Ok Ima explain this dare if you didn't understand cause none of them can't know it's a dare, basically Laney has to make a casual conversation with what the person is thinking, like if someone thinks about how to make someone like, eat their food lol, Laney would tell the person ways on how to do that, this is for 10 chapters. And Larry is acting weird cause he got dared to be a spy and figure out why Laney is acting weird for 10 chapters, and then there's this whole other part where you can see it for yourselves later)

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