(Lake15)(Cookies, Dying Hair and Switching Outfits6)(Becca5)(Silver2)(Sigh1)

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Laney- (reads her dare from alex_Corney96 and groans)

Larry- what is it? Did we get a dare?

Laney- well you have a dare, but I haven't read it here, here you go (hands his dare to Larry)

Larry- (reads it and looks a little freaked out)

TheDerpierSide- hellooo

Everyone- (hands her boxes of cookies)

TheDerpierSide- I'm so glad I dared this (eats a cookie while walking away)

Laney- oh Larry, can you not say 'sigh', 'Carrie', 'Laney' and not insult Grojband for (reads dare) 10 chapters? 

Larry- why

Laney- no reason

Larry- I miss Carrie (smiles a little)

Daisy- Don't worry I got you covered ;)

Larry, Laney and Corey- Daisy??

Becca- Get back to writing Daisy -.-

Daisy- fineeee, but first ALA KAZAM!!!! (disappears)

Squirt- oooh a magic spell

(The Newmans and the rest of Grojband appear)

Larry- well I said Carrie but this is cool

Laney- ......... (kisses Larry's cheek)

Grojband and Newmans- GASPP

Gretchen- you know you don't say it out loud you- I'm just going to stop

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Gretchen- you know you don't say it out loud you- I'm just going to stop

Becca- (happy Larney is happening instead of Corney)

Silver- ........

Suzi- now that that weirdo's out of the way I just have to get rid of that other girl and then I'll have Corey all to myself MWAHAHAHA-

McGee- you know we can hear you right?

Suzi- OMG that red head kissed the other red head!!!111!!!

Corey- (is upset, confused and is speechless)

Corey- (is upset, confused and is speechless)

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