(Lake22)(Silver9)(Sigh8)(Larney8)(Suzi5) Hanging out with Zane

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Laney- it's a book -.-

Larry- Correction, BOOK

Laney- I have the feeling we're going to be here for a very long time...

Larry- I miss Peaceville, the Newmans, Carrie... T_T

Laney- Dang it Larry (kisses his cheek)

Unknown- next time, could you kiss on the lips?

Silver- who was that...

Zane (AKA zankule)- (appears out of nowhere) Hey guys. I dared us to just hang out with today

Larry- hey that's a good dare, nothing dangerous, embarrassing-

Laney- ANYway... what do you wanna do?

Zane- hmm, wanna go to the movies?

Larry- we're in a camp, I don't think there are any movies here...


Laney- you always come at the right time...

(transition to everyone sitting in Sawyer's shed house thing)

Sawyer- I have the perfect movie! Rise of the dead! 

Laney- I've seen that a million times, it isn't that scary

Larry- a h-horror movie...??

Zane- Ok let's watch it. Larry, I'm sure it wouldn't be that scary

Larry- y-you're right

Laney- plus the food that Rosebud lady made for us is scary enough

Laney- plus the food that Rosebud lady made for us is scary enough

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Zane- You're right

Sawyer- ok kids, I have it set up! (starts the movie)

Laney- don't you think the screen's a bit small..

Larry- it's fine! The smaller, the less scary hehe....

(while watching the movie, the sounds of Larry's shrieks spread throughout the camp)

Zane- oh come on I thought I made you stronger -.-

Larry- I'm s-sorry I'm a wimp

Laney- guys shushh, we're getting to the good part)

(a zombie starts to attack the main character while lover cries)

Larry- I thought you didn't like the movie Laney

Laney- yeah but- (sees Zane's smirk)

Zane- You know what you have to do :)

Laney- fine... (kisses Larry on the lips)

Zane- YESSSSSSSS (takes a lot of photos) Larney is the best ship!

Larry- are any of us even watching the movie?

Laney- nope

Zane- I'm still having a lot of fun, talking to you guys

Larry- us too

(they continue to watch the movie while talk until the end of the movie)

Larry- hey... that wasn't that scary

Laney- says the one who screaming whenever a zombie was attacking someone

Zane- don't say that Laney, Larry did his best

Larry- I'm glad that someone is finally on MY side

Laney- anyway, do you want to do something else

Larry- I just remembered, we should check on Suzi, and see if she's still wearing Gretchen's clothes

Zane- who cares about that jerk -_-

Laney- we still have to do it

(the three went to the underground and looked down below)

Larry- huh she's not there... only the clothes we gave her (just clearing, up he's referring to her actual clothes she wears that they gave her)

Laney- I would've thought she would've stayed in one place

Zane- that's even better, let the monsters kill her

(transitions to where Suzi actually is)

Toriel- hello child, what do you need

Suzi- um, goat mum, do you have any fashionable clothes around here? All I can find is disgusting striped clothing, and I do not want to go around looking like this!

Toriel- I am sorry my child, I do not


Toriel- you are one interesting child...

(I don't even know if the I have in here is a real movie lol, I made it up)

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